
A repository containing code to control an FPGA on an Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 with applications in atom interferometry.

Primary LanguageC

2023 Group Studies - Atom Interferometery

Solomon Sanderson

Working with an Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 and using its FPGA to acheive precise timing to control a laser for atom interferometry.

The FPGA folder contains a template from here: https://github.com/vidor-libraries/VidorFPGA. This includes a lot of files that I have not worked on or edited and configuration files. The main files containing my code are MKRVIDOR4000_top.v and control.v. These are both found in the folder group-studies/FPGA/vidordemo/projects/MKRVIDOR4000_template/.


  • Analysis: contains python scripts and the data that was output by the FPGA.
  • arduinocode: contains the sketch to be uploaded to the Arduino.
  • FPGA: contains the Verilog and quartus files for programming the FPGA on board the Arduino.
  • bytesreverse.cmd: is a commmand script which runs a python script to reverse a .ttf file and saves the output (app.h) in the arduino script.