
Primary LanguageCMake


The IMcoders project is meant to offer to the robotic community an easy to mount, cheap and reliable device capable of substitute the wheel encoders in an already existing system, or to produce accurate odometry data for a wheeled device/robot without previous odometry support.


ROS Kinetic

Link to official site:
NOTE: The recomended version is Desktop-Full Install

ROS IMU tools package

sudo apt install ros-kinetic-imu-tools

(Optional) RTIMULib2

Install this package if you want to use the imcoders_reader for using the hardware

git clone -b NoQt https://github.com/Pablo-Leyva/RTIMULib2 ~/imcoders_ws/third-party/RTIMULib2
mkdir -p ~/imcoders_ws/third-party/RTIMULib2/RTHost/build && cd "$_"
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


  1. Create a new ROS workspace or use your an existing one
    mkdir -p ~/imcoders_ws/src

  2. Clone this repo
    git clone --recursive -b devel https://github.com/solosito/IMcoders.git ~/imcoders_ws/src/.

    If you installed RTIMULib2, remove the CATKIN_IGNORE file from imcoders_reader in order to also compile that package
    rm ~/imcoders_ws/src/imcoders_reader/CATKIN_IGNORE

  3. Build the code
    Go to the workspace folder
    cd ~/imcoders_ws
    or (in case you have the catkin_tools)
    catkin build

  4. Source the workspace
    source ~/imcoders_ws/devel/setup.bash

    (Optional) Source the workspace in your .bashrc so you don't have to source the workspace every time you open a new terminal
    echo "source ~/imcoders_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Running simulation


  1. Launch simulator
    roslaunch imcoders_gazebo box_robot_gazebo.launch

  2. Launch teleop from a new terminal (node you need to source the workspace as before if you did not modified your .bashrc)
    roslaunch imcoders_control keyboard_teleop.launch

  3. Launch Rviz for visualization
    roslaunch imcoders_rviz_launchers view_box.launch

Differential wheeled robot with IMcoders

  1. Launch simulator
    roslaunch imcoders_gazebo diff_wheeled_gazebo_IMcoders.launch

  2. Launch teleop from a new terminal (node you need to source the workspace as before if you did not modified your .bashrc)
    roslaunch imcoders_control keyboard_teleop.launch

  3. Launch Rviz for visualization
    roslaunch imcoders_rviz_launchers view_diff.launch

Running with hardware

  1. Source the third party packages
    source ~/imcoders_ws/third-party/RTIMULib2/RTHost/build/devel/setup.bash

  2. Launch node for sensors
    roslaunch imcoders_reader imcoders_all_timed.launch

  3. Launch visualization
    roslaunch imcoders_rviz_launchers view_imcoders_boxes.launch

Example video:

Rviz visualization boxes


Missing dependencies while building

If you are missing dependencies for any package in this repo, source the workspace and install the missing dependencies for the packages not building: source ~/imcoders_ws/devel/setup.bash rosdep install <package_name>

rosdep install imcoders_control