
Is a tool for compile some cybersecurity scripts I normally use for investigate possible SCAM pages in Pishing mails

Primary LanguageGo

Go Shield 🛡️

Is a tool for compile some cybersecurity scripts I normally use for investigate possible SCAM pages in Phishing mails



  • Check IP: Return the IP of Host
  • Scan Ports: Scan ports of a Host
  • Whois: Get the WhoIs report of a Host
  • File Integrity:
    • Generate a Hash of a File
    • Verify if a Hash and a File match
  • Metadata Manipulation:
    • Clean EXIF Metadata (IOS Images): Delete data of images in EXIF tags like location add by IOS
    • Read EFIX Metadata (IOS Images): Read all EXIF Data in a image
  • Generate Password: Generate a safe password by default using letter,numbers and symbols
  • File encryptation
    • Encrypt File: Generate encrypted file and the password for decrypt
    • Decrypt File: Decrypt a file using the generated password