
This repository contains the source code for a .NET Core Global Tool I developed, as detailed in my blog post. The tool automates the creation of a specified folder and populates it with essential dotfiles. This process effectively seeds the folder, preparing it for Git and development use.

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This is a .NET Core Global Tool that will create a folder named after either the first argument passed to it or if no argument is passed it will ask you for the folder name. It will then copy some default standard dotfiles over.

For example:

dotnet run --project src/solrevdev.seedfolder.csproj
▲   Do you want to prefix the folder with the date? [Y/n] y
▲   What do you want the folder to be named? temp
‍▲   Creating the directory 2020-12-10_temp
‍▲   Copying .dockerignore to 2020-12-10_temp/.dockerignore
‍▲   Copying .editorconfig to 2020-12-10_temp/.editorconfig
‍▲   Copying .gitattributes to 2020-12-10_temp/.gitattributes
‍▲   Copying .gitignore to 2020-12-10_temp/.gitignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierignore to 2020-12-10_temp/.prettierignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierrc to 2020-12-10_temp/.prettierrc
‍▲   Copying omnisharp.json to 2020-12-10_temp/omnisharp.json
▲   Done!

dotnet run --project src/solrevdev.seedfolder.csproj
▲   Do you want to prefix the folder with the date? [Y/n] n
▲   What do you want the folder to be named? temp
‍▲   Creating the directory temp
‍▲   Copying .dockerignore to temp/.dockerignore
‍▲   Copying .editorconfig to temp/.editorconfig
‍▲   Copying .gitattributes to temp/.gitattributes
‍▲   Copying .gitignore to temp/.gitignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierignore to temp/.prettierignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierrc to temp/.prettierrc
‍▲   Copying omnisharp.json to temp/omnisharp.json
▲   Done!

seedfolder temp
dotnet run --project src/solrevdev.seedfolder.csproj temp
▲   Found 1 params to process.
‍▲   Creating the directory temp
‍▲   Copying .dockerignore to temp/.dockerignore
‍▲   Copying .editorconfig to temp/.editorconfig
‍▲   Copying .gitattributes to temp/.gitattributes
‍▲   Copying .gitignore to temp/.gitignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierignore to temp/.prettierignore
‍▲   Copying .prettierrc to temp/.prettierrc
‍▲   Copying omnisharp.json to temp/omnisharp.json
▲   Done!

It will also copy the following dotfiles from the src/Data folder over:

  • .dockerignore
  • .editorconfig
  • .gitattributes
  • .gitignore
  • .prettierignore
  • .prettierrc


Locally without publishing it on NuGet

dotnet pack
dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./nupkg solrevdev.seedfolder

Normally via NuGet

dotnet tool install --global solrevdev.seedfolder

To uninstall

dotnet tool uninstall -g solrevdev.seedfolder

Publish to Nuget

Uses a GitHub secret to store a NUGET_API_KEY API Key created over at NuGet in order to build and deploy via GitHub actions to NuGet.

When you commit bump the version in the csproj file
