TIP: Tons of Inductive Problems - tools

This repository contains tools for working with the TIP suite of benchmarks for inductive theorem provers. The tools are currently rough around the edges but include:

  • tip - transform a TIP file or translate it to various formats
  • tip-ghc - translate a Haskell file to TIP format
  • tip-spec - invent conjectures about a TIP file

Building the development version of the tools

With Haskell installed and this repository cloned:

stack setup
stack install

The tools will be put in your ~/.local/bin directory.

If you are modifying the TIP parser, you will also need to have BNFC installed, and to run ./make_parser.sh whenever you change the parser.

Working with TIP problems

You can find a large collection of problems in TIP format in the benchmarks repository under the directory benchmarks. You can use the tip tool to run transformations on these problems or translate them to another format.

To translate a TIP file to some other format, run:

  • tip name-of-file.smt2 --why to convert it to WhyML format;
  • tip name-of-file.smt2 --smtlib to convert it to a CVC4-compatible version of SMTLIB;
  • tip name-of-file.smt2 --isabelle to convert it to Isabelle;
  • tip name-of-file.smt2 --haskell to convert it to Haskell (plus scaffolding for running QuickSpec).

You can also use tip to run various transformations on the input problem. For example, tip name-of-file.smt2 --commute-match --simplify-aggressively will first simplify the structure of match expressions in the problem and then run a general simplification pass. For a list of all passes run tip --help.

Translating Haskell to TIP

To translate a Haskell file to TIP, run tip-ghc name-of-file.hs. Properties to be proved must be written in a special syntax; to see some examples, look at the benchmarks repository under the directory originals.