
In this project we will use 3-tier application architecture which is a modular client-server architecture that consists of a presentation tier, an application tier and a data tier. The data tier stores information, the application tier handles logic and the presentation tier is a graphical user interface (GUI) that communicates with the other two tiers. The three tiers are logical, not physical, and may or may not run on the same physical server.

Primary LanguageJava

Design Pattern

In this project we will use 3-tier application architecture which is a modular client-server architecture that consists of a presentation tier, an application tier and a data tier. The data tier stores information, the application tier handles logic and the presentation tier is a graphical user interface (GUI) that communicates with the other two tiers. The three tiers are logical, not physical, and may or may not run on the same physical server.

A detailed explanation of the usefulness of each design pattern

Abstract Factory: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes

  • a system should be independent of how its products are created, composed and represented.
  • a system should be configured with one of multiple families of products.
  • a family of related product objects is designed to be used together and you need to enforce this constraint.
  • you want to provide a class library of products and you want to reveal just their interfaces not their implementations.

The Abstract Factory (AbstractFactoryTrafficParticipant ) interface declares a set of methods for creating each of the abstract products.

  • It declares an interface for operations that create abstract products such as PhysicalParticipantFactory and LogicalParticipantFactory.

Concrete Factories(PhysicalParticipantFactory, LogicalParticipantFactory) implement creation methods of the abstract factory. Each concrete factory corresponds to a specific variant of products and creates only those product variants.

  • It implements the operations to create concrete product objects such as Privileged and NotPrivileged.

Abstract Products(Car, Motorcycle, Truck, Bus): declare interfaces for a set of distinct but related products which make up a product family.

  • It declares an interface for a type of Privileged and NotPrivileged object.

Concrete Products(PhysicalPrivilegedCar, LogicalPrivilegedCar, PhysicalNotPrivilegedCar, LogicalNotPrivilegedCar and etc.): are various implementations of abstract products, grouped by variants. Each abstract product must be implemented in all given variants.

  • It defines defines privilegad and not privileged objects to be created by the corresponding concrete factory
  • It extends the PhysicalParticipantFactory and LogicalParticipantFactory abstract class.

Advantages of Abstract Factory Design Pattern

There are following benefits of using abstract factory design pattern. We can be sure that the products you’re getting from a factory are compatible with each other.

  • We avoid tight coupling between concrete products and another modules.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: We can extract the product creation code into one place, making the code easier to support.
  • Open/Closed Principle: We can introduce new variants of products without breaking existing usages.

In this project, we had a problem with dividing privileged (polices, ambulance) and not privileged(normal driver, bus) vehicles. Polices and the normal driver has the almost same physical and logic properties but police cars have additional features (lights, labels) and privileged role in the roads. For instead of the doubling physical and logic features I used there abstract factory with divided physical and logic factory which have privileged and not privileged version. Overall developers can work with any concrete factory/product variant, as long as it communicates with their objects via abstract interfaces.

Visitor pattern: is a behavioral design pattern that lets you separate algorithms from the objects on which they operate.

The Visitor (ShortestRouteVisitor) interface declares a set of visiting methods that can take concrete elements of an object structure as arguments. These methods may have the same names if the program is written in a language that supports overloading, but the type of their parameters must be different. Each Concrete Visitor (NotPrivilegedShortestRoute, PrivilegedShortestRoute) implements several versions of the same behaviors, tailored for different concrete element classes. The Element (LogicalParticipantFactory) abstract class declares a method for “accepting” visitors. This method should have one parameter declared with the type of the visitor interface. Each Concrete Element ( LogicalPrivilegedCar, LogicalNotPrivilegedCar, LogicalPrivilegedMotorcycle, LogicalNotPrivilegedMotorcycle, and etc.) must implement the acceptance method. The purpose of this method is to redirect the call to the proper visitor’s method corresponding to the current element class. Be aware that even if a base element class implements this method, all subclasses must still override this method in their own classes and call the appropriate method on the visitor object. The Client usually represents a collection or some other complex object. Usually, clients aren’t aware of all the concrete element classes because they work with objects from that collection via some abstract interface. Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. The point of the visitor pattern is to replace the "huge switch" with polymorphism by handling the visitor invocation on the individual subclass. Interpreter pattern: Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.

Singleton pattern: is one of the Gangs of Four Design patterns and is available in the Creational Design Pattern category.

To apply Singleton pattern, one can opt different approaches but most of them have following common concepts.

  • Private constructor to restrict instantiation of the class from different classes.
  • Private static variable of the similar class that is the only instance of the class.
  • Public static system that returns the instance of the class, which is the global access point for external world and acquire the instance of the singleton class.

Singleton pattern is one of its kinds of a design solution where an application require having one and only one instance of any class, in every possible circumstance. This type of design pattern comes under creational pattern and provides an ideal way to make an object. An important aspect is that it contains a single class that helps in creating an object and help in getting access to its only object of the class. In my project I used Singleton to implement Road signs which will created just one time and used whole project like global. Road signs is not changeable that is why Singleton useful in this situation. Interceptor: When a request enters a Web application, it often must pass several entrance tests prior to the main processing stage. For example,

  • Has the client been authenticated?
  • Does the client have a valid session?
  • Is the client's IP address from a trusted network?
  • Does the request path violate any constraints?
  • What encoding does the client use to send the data?
  • Do we support the browser type of the client?

Some of these checks are tests, resulting in a yes or no answer that determines whether processing will continue. Other checks manipulate the incoming data stream into a form suitable for processing. The classic solution consists of a series of conditional checks, with any failed check aborting the request. Nested if/else statements are a standard strategy, but this solution leads to code fragility and a copy-and-paste style of programming, because the flow of the filtering and the action of the filters is compiled into the application. Create pluggable filters to process common services in a standard manner without requiring changes to core request processing code. The filters intercept incoming requests and outgoing responses, allowing preprocessing and post-processing. We are able to add and remove these filters unobtrusively, without requiring changes to our existing code. We are able, in effect, to decorate our main processing with a variety of common services, such as security, logging, debugging, and so forth. These filters are components that are independent of the main application code, and they may be added or removed declaratively. For example, a user trying to login 100 times in 1 minute it might be a fraud and after several times the server will be overloaded and the server will shutdown. When a client requests to log in, the filters in the chain are each processed in order before the authentication process I can count the authentication request from the same IP and should block this IP after several time.

  • Filter - Filter which will performs certain task prior or after execution of request by request handler.
  • Filter Chain(CheckDDOSAttackFilter,AuthenticationFilter,DebuggingFilter ) - Filter Chain carries multiple filters and help to execute them in defined order on target.
  • Target - Target object is the request handler
  • Filter Manager - Filter Manager manages the filters and Filter Chain.
  • Client - Client is the object who sends request to the Target object.