SmartWorld Frontend by FIWARE

FIWARE IoT Agents License: MIT Support badge JSON LD


This repository contains the source files for the frontend of Fiware's SmartWorld.
The frontend is written in Typescript using Vite.js, and is compatible with the simulation mode of the SmartWorld project.


Digital Twin:

On the left there is a map of the city with widgets on top that display the latest state observed of different sensors and devices.
Each widget is a component that sends GET requests to the context broker every x seconds.
On the right there is a Dashboard that displays an overview of the SmartWorld's state.

Smart Data Models:

In this page there are buttons that send requests to the context broker and display the result in a box bellow.
This can be used to illustrate the format of the data defined by NGSI-LD.

Train Control:

In this page you can control the speed of the SmartTrain and get the latest state observed by the context broker.
This page can be used to illustrate how to control devices using the orion context broker and iot-agent



 npm install

Development mode (context broker is in localhost)

 npm run dev -- --host --port 8000

Production mode (context broker in other ip)

 npm run dev -- --host --port 8000