Timescale Frontend Interview Assignment

My submission for Timescale's front-end interview. The task was completed slightly under 4 hours. A new folder structure was constructed to improve readability and navigation. Includes proptypes, all required functionality, and added .env to .gitignore


The main features that should be implemented

  • ✔️ On the initial visit to the site, it will show the most recent movies
  • ✔️ Allow users to put in a search term and display the results in the same grid
  • ✔️ When a user clicks on one of the cards, open a modal and display more information about the movie


  • add useContext to reduce prop-drilling
  • Refactor css to styled components
  • Add logo to search bar
  • Improve modal card responsiveness
  • expand proptypes implementation -get placeholder img for missing posters