
PHP Opcode dumper like vld

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PHP Opcode dumper like vld but base on based on PHP embed sapi

##Install Build PHP with Emebed SAP

$ cd php-src/
$ ./configure --enable-embed
$ make && make install

Modify the Makefile LDFLAGS where is your libphp5.so[or libphp5.dylib]


##Example test.php

function foo($str) {
    echo $str;

$str = "hello world\n";

execute ./opd test.php

Script: test.php
opnum	line	opcode	op1	op2	result
0	2	NOP			
1	6	ASSIGN	!0	"hello+world%0A"	
2	7	SEND_VAR	!0		
3	7	DO_FCALL	"foo"		
4	8	RETURN	1

##Blog (in Chinese)