
A MERN application for basic tasks management

Primary LanguageCSS

Task Management System

The Task Management System is a web application designed to streamline task assignment and tracking within an organization. It is built using a modern tech stack comprising React.js for the frontend, Node.js with Express.js for the backend, and MongoDB for the database. The system incorporates robust user authentication and role-based access control to ensure data security and privacy.

🌐 Features

  • User Authentication:

    • The system provides secure authentication for both Managers and Users.
    • Authentication is implemented using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Role-based Access Control:

    • Distinct roles (Manager and User) are defined with specific privileges.
    • Managers have the authority to assign tasks to users, while users can view assigned tasks and update their status.
  • Task Management:

    • Managers can create tasks and assign them to individual users or teams.
    • Users have access to their assigned tasks, allowing them to track progress and mark tasks as completed.
  • Enhanced Security Measures:

    • Rate limiters are implemented for authentication API endpoints to prevent brute-force attacks.
    • IP access control is enforced to restrict access to authorized users and devices.
    • SSL certificate generation and utilization ensure encrypted communication between the server and client, enhancing overall system security.

🖥️ Tech Stack

  • Frontend:

    • React.js for building the user interface.
    • Utilizes CSS and Bootstrap for styling.
    • Incorporates React Bootstrap for enhanced UI components.
  • Backend:

    • Node.js with Express.js for server-side development.
    • MongoDB serves as the data storage solution.

🎯 Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Install all frontend and backend dependencies:

    npm run install-all
  3. Configure Environment Variables:

  • Change a .env file and configure the following variables:

     dbName = data_base_name
     dbUrl = your_mongodb_connection_string
     SALT_ROUNDS = Number of rounds to use, defaults to 10 if omitted
     JWT_SECRET = your_jwt_secret_key
     JWT_EXPIRE = JWT expires session time
  1. Run the Application:

    npm start
  2. Access the Application:

Backend API

- POST     /api/signup
- POST     /api/login

- GET      /api/tasks
- GET      /api/tasks/:taskId
- GET      /api/tasks/filter/byUser
- GET      /api/tasks/filter/byStatus
- GET      /api/tasks/data/dashboard
- POST     /api/tasks
- PUT      /api/tasks/:taskId
- PUT      /api/tasks/submit/:taskId
- DELETE   /api/tasks/:taskId

- GET      /api/users
- GET      /api/users/:userId
- POST     /api/users
- PUT      /api/users/:userId
- DELETE   /api/users/:userId

npm scripts

Located at the root directory:

  • npm start: Initiates both backend and frontend servers concurrently.
  • npm run dev-server: Initiates only the backend server.
  • npm run dev-client: Initiates only the frontend development server.
  • npm run install-all: Installs all dependencies and dev-dependencies required at the root, frontend, and backend.
  • npm run start-ssl: Initiates client server with SSL certificates.
  • npm run generate-ssl: Generates SSL certificates (requires installation of mkcert).

Inside frontend folder:

  • npm start: Starts frontend in development mode
  • npm run build: Builds the frontend for production to the build folder

Inside backend folder:

  • npm run dev: Starts backend using nodemon.
  • npm start: Starts backend without nodemon.

📌 Screenshots:

admin dashboard tasks users create task submitted tasks