
Adept - the predictable dependency management system

Primary LanguageScala


- adept dependency management

Adept Alpha is OUT!

Currently only sbt is supported. The sbt plugin install instructions are available here: https://github.com/adepthub/adepthub-ext


Build Status

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Adept is a platform agnostic dependency management system.

Adept avoids:

  • A 'download the Internet' step in your builds that takes forever
  • Non-reproducible builds
  • Mysteriously corrupt caches
  • Complex publish procedures

Adept gives you speed and deterministic behavior:

  • Smarter metadata gives exactly what you want or tells you what is wrong
  • Separates metadata and artifacts
  • Downloads everything in parallel because it can do all resolution up-front
  • Uses git and hashes to cache RELIABLY and avoid extra http requests
  • Publish by just pushing to a git repository

Find out more

Technical Docs Setup Guide Roadmap Contributing
![i1] techdocs-image ![i2] setup-image ![i3] roadmap-image ![i4] contributing-image
Design techdocs [Setup Guide] setup Roadmap roadmap Contributing contributing


Do you want to take part in shaping the ultimate dependency management system on the JVM for years to come?

Now is the time! Head over to the Contributing section


Do you struggle with your builds at work and think Adept could solve your issues?

Want to engage in Adept now and make sure your requirements are met?

Create an [issue] issues and tell the world about your interest or drop me a mail directly if privacy is required: fredrik.ekholdt (at) typesafe.com !

Questions or need help?

No question should be unasked: head to the [issues tracker] issues or start a thread on the [mailing list] mailinglist.


Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0] license (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.