
Truly democratic community management system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is community building system. Currently it consist following modules:

  • voting
  • citizens
  • chat
  • eLibrary
  • blog

Voting module (glosowania) uses principle known as Zero Knowledge Proof (https://youtu.be/HUs1bH85X9I).
It means that voting is anonymous.


You can find demo here: https://demo.wikikracja.pl/


You will need email account like gmail in order to send emails to users. Smallest KVM VM is enough.

Installation (Centos 7, 8)

  • Run as root:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soma115/wikikracja/master/scripts/deploy_server.sh; chmod u+x deploy_server.sh; ./deploy_server.sh

  • Set 'user' as default in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (user user;)
  • Enable (source) virtual environment
  • run ./scripts/update.sh from application root
  • run cerbot --nginx
  • ./manage.py createsuperuser
  • Set site name in your_page.com/admin/sites/site/

Known issues

  • if you get Error 500 - clear cookies in your web browser
  • yum install python36-devel on Centos 7 for Channels
  • Issues installing Pillow. Try: python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip easy_install pillow


  • run: dnf install python3-devel
  • Pillow issue: check requirements.txt version vs. OS version

After installation

  • Copy settings_custom_template.py to settings_custom.py and adjust its content
  • Create superuser (superuser will be eliminated in future versions)
  • Create 'Editor' group and assign rights:
    • Article - add, change, view, delete
    • Customize - change, view Each new user will be automaticaly assigned to group 'Editor'
  • Apply fixtures to create Footer and Start page: ./manage.py loaddata customize/fixtures/customize.json
  • Give site a name https://yoursite.com/admin/sites/site/