
Semigroup: datastructure that has .concat method Monoid: Semigroup that has a neutral element for concat method

14. Functors

  • Any type with map method and follow those 2 laws below:
    • ===
    • === id(fx)

15. Lift into a Pointed Functor with of

  • Use of to create a Functor instead of using complex contructor so we can map right away, do calculation

16. You've been using Monads

  • Any type with of and chain (flatMap, bind, >>==) method: Box, Either, Task, List

const join = m => m.chain(x => x);

  • Law 1 join( === join(join(m))
  • Law 2 join(Box.of(m)) === join(

17. Build curried functions

  • Preloading data into a function
  • How to build: instead of function that take multi parameters, create a function that return a function that return a function and so on. Data will come last in the chain so we can build up know value first

18. Applicative Functors for multiple arguments

  • Box of a function we want to apply that funciton to another Box of a value
  • F(x).map(f) === F(f).ap(F(x))

23. Maintaining structure whilst asyncing

  • We take our Promise.all() analogy further by using traversable on a Map(). Then we use two traversals in the same workflow.

24. Principled type conversions with Natural Transformations

  • We learn what a natural transformation is and see the laws it must obey. We will see how a natural transformation must uphold the law of nt(x).map(f) == nt(

25. Apply Natural Transformations in everyday work

  • We see three varied examples of where natural transformations come in handy.

26. Isomorphisms and round trip data transformations

  • We formally define isomorphisms, make a few, then use them to accomplish normal programming tasks

27. Build a data flow for a real world app

  • We form a plan to find the common ground between two artists from the spotify api. Then we sketch out a data flow to ensure we have what we need, when we need it.

28. Find the intersection of sets with Semigroups

  • We use semigroups to find the intersection of sets, then expand that to work on as many artists as we'd like. Finally, we use foldable to show a pair of intersection and sum to shed more light on the final result set.