
New Relic Plugin for monitoring Unix (AIX, BSD, Linux, Solaris) systems

Primary LanguageJava


New Relic Plugin for monitoring Unix (AIX, BSD, Linux, Solaris) systems

Installation & Usage

  1. Download ZIP containing latest JAR: https://github.com/sschwartzman/newrelic-unix-plugin/archive/master.zip
  2. Unzip on Unix server that you want to monitor
  3. Copy config/template_newrelic.properties to config/newrelic.properties
  4. Copy config/template_logging.properties to config/logging.properties
  5. Edit config/newrelic.properties, set your license key
  • License key can be found in New Relic UI, on 'Account settings' page
  1. Copy the version of config/unixplugin.config.[OS] to config/unixplugin.config, for example config/unixplugin.config.aix for AIX.
  2. (Optional) Edit config/unixplugin.config to set which monitors will be checked (i.e. df, vmstat, iostat)
  • All current possibilities for each OS are found in the config/unixplugin.config.[OS] files.
  1. Edit startPlugin.sh and set PLUGIN_JAVA_HOME to location of Java on your server.
  2. Run startPlugin.sh
  3. Check plugin.log for errors
  4. Check New Relic UI for the "Unix" plugin in left-hand column. Click on it, your instance should appear in the subsequent list.