Create Random password by python

Get a powerful password in seconds


chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
CHARS = chars.upper()
symbols = "[]{}()*;_-=/,0!@#$"
numbers = "0123456789"

allVariables  = chars + CHARS + symbols + numbers

len = 16

password = "".join(random.sample(allVariables,len))

Where you can use this ? 🤔

You can use this code (which is the simplest possible form) in any Python project for you, all you need to do is copy the previous code and place it in the right place.

Note ⚠️

Not all of these codes have to be from my pure work, there are many of them on the Internet that I may have done some but not limited to some modification, improvement, or modification of the appearance of the code to become readable, understandable or appropriate to the place of use. If you have any code you think will be useful and people will use frequently in many projects do not hesitate to do a pull request to this repo.

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