
CLI to convert CSV to HTML Table

Primary LanguageHTML


A simple CLI and Rust crate to convert CSV to HTML tables.


Installation is very easy with Cargo. If you have it:

cargo install csv-to-html


csv-to-html has no side effects on your system, i.e. no config files, no program data files, etc. Installation is as easy as:

cargo uninstall csv-to-html

Web Service

csv-to-html has a web service that wraps this tool. If you just need a quick and easy conversion, try it out.


Usage: csv-to-html [OPTIONS] --filename <FILENAME>

  -f, --filename <FILENAME>    path to input file
  -n, --no-header              the CSV file has no header
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>        path of output file. If not specified, will print to stdout
  -d, --delimiter <DELIMITER>  [default: ,]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version


csv-to-html -f simple.csv
csv-to-html -f simple.csv -n
csv-to-html -f simple.csv -d " "
csv-to-html -f simple.csv -o output.html

Programmatic Usage

You can also use this is a library. To add to your Rust program:

cargo add csv-to-html


let html: String = csv_to_html::convert(&csv_string, &b',', &true);