
Data pastebin, simple and self-hosted.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

📚 Disclaimer: This is a weekend project with the purpose of learning Pedestal and, associated with it, interceptors.


Datbin is a simple self-hosted pastebin for all data formats. Here's how it works.

Assuming Datbin is running somewhere (for our purposes, let's say it is localhost), the home page serves an upload form, from which you can upload your file. If the upload is successful, you'll be redirected to a page confirming your success and be given a link, with which you can share your file.

upload form

success page


Since Datbin is, in our scenario, running in a local network, you can only really share it if you know the private IP address of the machine Datbin is running on and if the device you are trying to access the shared file with is also in the same local network. One way of accessing the data from external networks is to use a VPN like Tailscale and have both machines be connected to it.

Technical Details

Datbin is written in Clojure with the web library Pedestal. The pages, for which little effort was spent to make stylish, are rendered server-side with Hiccup and Garden. Datalevin is used as the records-storing database, keeping track of the uploads.


Start the server and go to localhost:3888.


lein run


lein uberjar
java \
  --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED \
  --add-opens java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED \
  -jar target/server.jar


Building with Docker

docker build -t datbin .
docker run -p 3888:3888 -v $PWD/data:/server/data:rw -v $PWD/logs:/server/logs:rw datbin

Docker Compose

docker-compose up

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