
User Management Demo Application

Primary LanguageJava

User Management Demo Application

1. How to build

Run the following commands to build:

$ cd user-management
$ ./mvnw clean install

Only execute clean phase when you really need to, because node_modules will be deleted! That makes build slower.

2. How to run User Management Application on local

2.1. Backend with H2 database (only for development purpose)

Run UserManagementApplication.

$ cd user-management
$ cd backend
$ java -jar target/backend-1.0.0.jar

Now, User Management is running on http://localhost:8080

2.2. Static Frontend

In case you want to faster see your change on frontend code, without building whole project again.

$ cd abccargo
$ cd frontend
$ npm start

Webpack dev server will serve Static on http://localhost:9000