Hello Fellow < Developers/ >

I'm Wallflower, A passionate Web developer from Milano

I love the collaborative and open-source nature of the web development community, and I'm excited to share my projects and contributions on GitHub. My goal is to not only continue learning and growing as a developer, but also to contribute to and learn from the amazing projects and people in the GitHub community.

Feel free to check out my repositories and connect with me on GitHub. I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations, so don't hesitate to reach out!

PRs Welcome Visitors Open Source Love

Project :octocat: Issues 🐛 Open PRs 🔔 Closed PRs 🔥
Complete JavaScript Course GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub PRs
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub PRs
Full Stack Engineer GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub PRs

Click here to view my other projects.


Favorite quote:

“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Connect with me:

somekindofwallflower wallflower408 17074530 programmerscrunity w4llfl0w3r13 wallflower#7007

Languages and Tools:

angular angularjs apachecordova babel bash bootstrap c css3 figma firebase git graphql gulp html5 invision javascript linux mysql nodejs postman python react redux sass tailwind typescript vuejs vuetify webpack

somekindofwallflower somekindofwallflower


(in the last 365 days, languages pie based on number of commits)

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