Simple and Beautiful Static Gallery Generator

Primary LanguagePerl



YASGG is a gallery generator based on the beautiful Lens template by html5up.



Getting Started

Start by cloning YASGG and html5up-lens:

$ git clone https://github.com/someone-stole-my-name/YASGG.git
$ cd YASGG
$ git clone https://github.com/someone-stole-my-name/html5up-lens.git

Replace the original index.html with the templated version:

$ cp template.html html5up-lens/index.html

Build the image:

$ docker build -t yasgg .

Generate the gallery

Modify the config.json with your own settings and then:

$ GALLERY=/home/Christian/Pictures
$ YASGG=$(pwd)
$ docker run --rm -v $GALLERY:/gallery -v $YASGG:/YASGG yasgg /YASGG/YASGG --pictures /gallery

GALLERY is the directory that contains your *.jpg pictures.

Note: If using podman rootless containers you may have to relabel. See Release Notes 1.6.0.


$ SITE=$(pwd)/_site
$ docker run --rm -v $SITE:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx:latest