
Tool which matches pattern in a directory recursively

Primary LanguagePython


Tool which recursively traverses a directory and finds all the files with names matching the given wiildcard.

Getting Started


sudo pip install traverce


traverce <path of directory> '<wildcard pattern>'

for example traverce my_folder '[a-z]*.py$' will find all the files in my_folder with .py extension and output their exact path with the sizes in Bytes on command line or in a file(Optional)

| Matched String |                                       File                                       | Size(In Bytes) |
|       py       |                       /my_folder/.../manage.py                                   |      807       |
|       py       |                      /my_folder/.../tokenizer.py                                 |      836       |
|       py       |                      /my_folder/.../apps.py                                      |       94       |
|       py       |                                 ...                                              |       ...      |


You can output to a file via -o optional argument. For example -o output.txt will print the result in the output.txt


Aim is to make a more robust tool with a number of functionalities such as extracting patterns from file, replacing patterns and many more. Any suggestions/contributions are appreciated.


  • Somesh Chaturvedi


This project is licensed under the MIT.