Klifu is an online pokemon turn based game influenced by pokemongo and pokemon red. Klifu aims to build the core game logic which could be used to create any client.
Under Development 🔨
Klifu is a pokemon game build by the community as they like, that means the game mechanics is completely different from any other pokemon game you have played, taking inspiration from pokemon red
and pokemongo
As of now we are only working on our CLI client, but we have plans for more, stay tuned.
Client Name | Description | Github Repo |
klifu cli client that run in your cli | here |
Klifu cli client, just install and play the game right from your CLI.
To run klifu
in your cli, ensure that you have Node.js >= v10. Install NodeJS via package manager
$ npm install -g @klifu/cli
This installs klifu
globally on your system allowing you to run it from anywhere. If you want to install it locally, Just remove the -g
To get started run klifu --help
and follow the help given to understand how to play.
You can also check the cli repo for detailed description of the game.
We have an official message board with a detailed FAQ and where the community chimes in with helpful advice if you have any questions.
If chat is more your speed, you can join our Klifu Discord
Klifu is very modular, the comlete game is divided into
the main game logic.@klifu/api
the datastore api that stores our static game data.@klifu/cli
the cli client for playing the game.
and we have this repo for managing the project.
👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉
Before you jump off and start contributing I will encourage you to read our CONTRIBUTING.md file.
Feel free to reach out to the maintainers, if you have any query.
Every packages has instructions about setting up your local development enviornment, just head to a repo and follow the instructions.
We are managing our project using zenhub, download the zenhub extension to check and actively take part in the development process.
Souvik | 0Verlord-41 |
souvikns | 0Verlord-41 |
- Just head over to discussion and create a new discusion taging us.
- Or ping us in discord, same name as github username 😉