
Re-writing the two system tools nm and otool for MacOS-X and Linux

Primary LanguageC


Re-writing the two system tools nm and otool for MacOS-X and Linux


ft_nm displays the name list (symbol table) of each object file in the argument list.

If an argument is an archive, a listing for each object file in the archive will be produced.

If no file is given, the symbols in a.out are listed.

For each symbol, ft_nm shows:

   ·   The symbol value, in the radix selected by options, or hexadecimal by default.

   ·   The symbol type.  At least the following types are used; others are, as well, depending on
       the object file format.  If lowercase, the symbol is usually local; if uppercase, the
       symbol is global (external).  There are however a few lowercase symbols that are shown for
       special global symbols ("u", "v" and "w").

   ·   The symbol name.


$> ft_nm  [ -agnopruUjA ] [ file ... ]
    -a    Display all symbol table entries.
    -g    Display only global (external) symbols.
    -n    Sort numerically rather than alphabetically.
    -o    Prepend file or archive element name to each line.
    -p    Don't sort; display in symbol-table order.
    -r    Sort in reverse order.
    -u    Display only undefined symbols.
    -U    Don't display undefined symbols.
    -j    Just display the symbol names (no value or type).
    -A    Write the pathname or library name on each line.


ft_otool displays specified parts of object files or libraries.

At least one of the following options must be specified.


$> ft_otool [ -fahLtd ] [file ... ]
    -f    Display the Fat headers.
    -a    Display the archive header.
    -h    Display the Mach header.
    -L    Display the shared libraries used.
    -t    Display the contents of the (__TEXT,__text) section.
    -d    Display the contents of the (__DATA,__data) section.