
Template for specifying locations for all capstone project components


This repository is a template for turning in links/locations to your project artifacts. Instructions:

  1. Fork this repository.
    • You will be changing the file contents in this repository, but do not change the file names!
  2. Replace the blank report.pdf with your final project report. This is the version that will be linked at hdsishowcase.com. (Note that you will also have to upload your report separately to Gradescope for your mentor to grade it.)
  3. Edit title-abstract.txt and replace the sample title/abstract with the title/abstract of your project. This is what will be included at hdsishowcase.com.
    • Be sure to leave the formatting of the file intact (with the title: and abstract: lines untouched).
    • If you are happy with the title that's currently at hdsishowcase.com, feel free to put the same one.
  4. Edit the artifacts.json file with links to your project artifacts. Do NOT change the keys of the json file, only the values.
    • this-repository contains the GitHub URL to your forked artifact-directory-template repository (this will allow us to get the latest version of your report and title/abstract).
    • project-repository contains the GitHub URL to your project's code repository. This is the repository we will use to evaluate your code.
    • dockerhub-repository contains the DockerHub username, DockerHub repository name, and tag for reproducing your project. If you did not use Docker, you must still provide a DockerHub username and repository name; just use the default data science image created by UCSD ETS.
    • project-website-url contains the URL to your public-facing project website (likely ending in .github.io/).
    • project-website-code contains the GitHub URL to your project website's source code (if it's the same as your code repository, then re-list that URL here).
  5. Turn in the forked repository to Gradescope as a group (that is, make only one submission).
    • The autograder on Gradescope just ensures that you submitted everything in the correct format.