
(#P3 About-Handong App and KakaoChatbot for students in HGU)


(About-Handong App and KakaoChatbot project for HGU students )



  • Edit the sentences as replies.



[version 1.0]

  • Added functions for 'food' and 'bus'

  • I applied Kakao-I-Builder and then, they approved me to implement my project.

(So finally, I could use machine-learning functions and API there)

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[version 1.1]

  • Added buttons for 'food', 'bus', 'about this app' and 'back home')

  • Changed the system showing like below images because Kakao recommend me to use the bottom button, then users can use it effectiently.

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[version 1.2]

  • Added English version for international students

  • Added 'Home' button at every functions

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[version 1.3]

  • Implemented delivery functions for students using this app efficently.

  • But still have a thought which way this app should be implemented by because there exist 'Handong App' which is really good for userinterface. So I need to implement this program by taking full of advantages of this Kaka I open builder.

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[version 1.4]

  • Implemented delivery functions by adding specific menu bottons, then user recognize directly what menus are in it.

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[version 1.5]

  • Implemented campus restaurant functions by adding specific menu bottons, then user recognize directly what menus are in it.

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[version 1.8]

  • "돈도니석쇠불고기" menu is 95% done, and I put "back" button at every selection.
  • Added 2 buttons at the bottom for going back to app home and starter.

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[version 2.0]

  • "삼촌네 찜닭" menu is 95% done, and need to put some photo on the menu.

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[version 2.1]

  • "회초밥, 치킨, 떡볶이, 돈가스 등" menu is 95% done, and need to put some photo on the menu.

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