
kitex grpc plugin, seperate message definition from serviceinfo, define template easily.

Primary LanguageGo


kitex grpc plugin, seperate message definition from serviceinfo, define template easily. you can define importPaths for the proto file that contains multiservice.


go run main.go -c ./example/config.json


  • install this by go install github.com/somview/kitex-grpc

  • use cases

kitex-grpc --help
kitex-grpc -c config.json
kitex-grpc -json 'jsonstr', eg:  
- unix-like shell kitex-grpc  -json='{"Protos":[{"FilePath":"aaa.proto","OutputPath":"../pb"}]}'
- windows powershell  kitex-grpc -json='{\"Protos\":[{\"FilePath\":\"aaa.proto\",\"OutputPath\":\"../pb\"}]}'

you must let you proto filepath can infer from includePaths, the inner includePaths is "/" and "."


use with gogoproto

// message and service in the same module
protoc --gofast_out=. myproto.proto && kitex-grpc -json='{"Protos":[{"FilePath":"myproto.proto","OutputPath":"."}]}'
// message and service in the different module
protoc --gofast_out=. myproto.proto && kitex-grpc -json='{"Protos":[{"FilePath":"myproto.proto","OutputPath":"./serviceDirectory", "ImportPaths":["messageModulePath"...]}]}'