
Data Engineering Nanodegree - Datawarehouse Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project: Data Warehouse

Purpose of the project

The goal of this project is to set up an Amazon Redshift datawarehouse to store songplay event data and let us efficiently analyse it by different dimensions. This includes loading data from raw JSON format into staging tables and inserting rows to the fact and dimension tables while ensuring uniqueness and efficiency where necessary.

Summary of data

  • Song dataset:
    • 14,896 unique songs
    • 9553 unique artists
  • Log dataset:
    • 8056 songplay events (ie. page = NextSong)
    • 94 unique user_id
    • 209 unique song_id
    • 194 unique artist_id


  • Unnecessary data in song dataset: The song dataset contains way more songs and artists that actually appear in the log event dataset. To avoid oversized dimension tables I will only include songs and artists in the relevant tables that appear at least once in the songplay data.

  • Inconsistencies in artist data: Even though song dataset contains only 194 unique artist_ids, artist_name might differ from song to song for the same artist_id, eg:

# artist_id, artist_name, title, song_id
('ARJGAUD1187FB505DA', 'Lange ft. Sarah Howells', 'Let It All Out', 'SONRTVW12AB017E5D1'),
 ('ARJGAUD1187FB505DA', 'Lange', 'Happiness Happening', 'SOPBKFW12A8C145018'),
 ('ARJGAUD1187FB505DA', 'Lan Ge', 'Hai Shang Liang Xiao (Album Version)', 'SOPFBQZ12A8C13B030')

In this case it's hard to choose the "right" artist name without any further research, so I followed a simplistic approach, and inserted the first instance for every artist in the artist table.

Database schema

Star schema where songplay table functions as the central fact table. user, artist, song and time tables serve as dimension tables, each holding columns relevant to these entities.


Even if the project brief contains level and location as columns on songplay table, I left them out. level is a column on user table, and location is in artist table, so they are available by simple joins. This way our fact table can be as streamlined as possible without any loss of information.

The remaining columns on songplay are mostly foreign keys of dimension tables (user_id, song_id, artist_id), except for session_id and user_agent. session_id might also be a foreign key to a hypothetical session table which could contain session level information, including user_agent.

Also it feels unnecessary to create the dimension table time for extracting values from a timestamp. I would simply add a timestamp column to the fact table itself, and let the analytical queries make the extraction of date components based on their needs. This would further simplify the schema.

Table design

I have chosen the following optimization strategies for the final tables in the schema:

  1. songplay: EVEN distribution style with start_time as sorting key.
  2. user: ALL distribution style
  3. artist: ALL distribution style
  4. song: ALL distribution style
  5. time: EVEN distribution style with start_time as sorting key.

Factors to consider in table design:

  • user, artist and song dimension tables are currently small enough to easily fit on all slices. This might change if lot of new data is inserted, but currently it will work.
  • songplay and time tables contain the same number of rows (and most likely will contain very similar number of rows in the future), and they are the largest tables. Currently they fit into all the slices, but in a more realistic scenario these would quickly outgrow a single slice, so I chose EVEN distribution with start_time as sorting key, so that similar values will most likely reside on the same slices.


├── README.md
├── create_tables.py
├── dwh.cfg
├── etl.py
├── manage_cluster.ipynb
├── requirements.txt
├── sql_queries.py
└── test.ipynb


You are reading this.


Script for creating the necessary tables (and dropping them first if they exist). Uses queries from sql_queries.py.


Config variables for the datawarehouse and the ETL process. I added a few extra to the provided template to support creating the Redshift cluster from code.


Script for the ETL process. Run python create_tables.py before running the ETL script. Uses queries from sql_queries.py.


This notebook contains the necessary code for launching and tearing down a Redshift cluster. For running the code you need to have a user.cfg config file with valid AWS access key and secret.


Dependencies for running the project.


This file contains the queries for creating staging and final tables, and also the insert statements for loading data from raw JSON files to the tables.


Notebook for prototyping and testing SQL queries.


Redshift does not support ON CONFLICT clauses, therefore the upsert operations look a bit more complicated. I wrote queries that would ensure uniqueness during initial load and subsequent inserts.


We need to make sure that:

  1. all userIds in staging_event are only inserted maximum once (if they are not already in users table in case of a new insert later)
  2. after running the query all user rows will contain the latest value for level.

I created a temp table that contains the last event for every userId in staging_event, and used that in the insert statement and a separate update statement.

-- Get last songplay event for every userId in staging table
CREATE TEMP TABLE user_last_song AS
SELECT staging_event.*
    SELECT userId, max(ts) as ts
    FROM staging_event
    WHERE page = 'NextSong'
    GROUP BY userId
) last_ts
LEFT JOIN staging_event USING (userId, ts)
WHERE page = 'NextSong';

-- Insert rows for userIds that are not already in users table
    uls.userId as user_id,
    uls.firstName as first_name,
    uls.lastName as last_name,
FROM user_last_song uls
LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = uls.userId
WHERE users.user_id IS NULL;

-- Update existing users' level to latest value where it changed
UPDATE users
SET level = user_last_song.level
FROM user_last_song
    user_id = user_last_song.userId AND
    users.level != user_last_song.level;


No upsert in this case, only making sure that:

  1. there is no duplication during later inserts,
  2. only those songs are included that are included in songplay

Redshift does not enforce uniqueness on primary keys during inserts (on top of missing support for ON CONFLICT clauses), so I joined the target table on the staging table and insert only those rows that are not present in the target table.

Note: This method implicitly asusmes two things:

  1. staging_song contains every song_id only once, so we don't need to ensure uniqueness there
  2. song details of a specific song_id won't change later, so we don't have to do updates or flag duplicates

Given the nature of the data source I think these are reasonable assumptions.

FROM staging_song
LEFT JOIN song USING (song_id)
    song.title IS NULL AND
    song_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT song_id FROM songplay);


As mentioned in the data summary, artist names are not fully consistent. To ensure uniqueness of artist_id I decided to only include the first occurence of every artist in the songplay data, by using row_number() window function in the staging subquery.

    staging.artist_name AS name,
    staging.artist_location AS location,
    staging.artist_latitude AS latitude,
    staging.artist_longitude AS longitude
    SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY artist_id) as row_number
    FROM staging_song
) staging
LEFT JOIN artist USING (artist_id)
    staging.row_number = 1 AND
    artist.name IS NULL AND
    staging.artist_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT artist_id FROM songplay);


The extra twist here is that we need to transform integer ts into timestamps to be able to extract the necessary components. I solved this in the converted CTE.

The insert query also ensures uniqueness of start_time during later inserts, just as in the previous queries. This is somewhat overkill for this project as resolution of start_time is millisecond, but in a truly large application multiple events can be recorded even in the same millisecond.

WITH converted AS (
        'epoch'::timestamp + ts / 1000.0 * '1 second'::interval AS ts_converted
    FROM staging_event
    ts AS start_time,
    date_part('hour', ts_converted) AS hour,
    date_part('day', ts_converted) AS day,
    date_part('week', ts_converted) AS week,
    date_part('month', ts_converted) AS month,
    date_part('year', ts_converted) AS year,
    date_part('dow', ts_converted) AS weekday
FROM converted
LEFT JOIN time ON time.start_time = converted.ts
WHERE time.start_time IS NULL;

Running the scripts

  1. To set up Redshift cluster, run cells in manage_cluster.ipynb notebook. WARNING: the script will look for AWS credentials in users.cfg which is not included in the repo.
  2. Create staging and final tables by running python create_tables.py
  3. Run ETL pipeline by running python etl.py

Additional notes

  1. I added my AWS user via an extra config file names user.cfg, which is not included in the repo to avoid sharing my credentials. This file is necessary to run commands in manage_cluster.ipynb.
  2. I added a bunch of extra config paramteres to dwh.cfg. These are used in the scripts that create and delete the Redshift cluster. I also had to modify a bit how create_tables.py and etl.py reads in values for constructing the connection string.