
Skill is based on famous Youtube kid channel named "Appu Series". Skill is directed to engage user in two ways: 1) Playing a rhyme. 2) Exploring countries.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Skill is directed towards children of the age group 2-7. The skill has been made in a way that it is accessible for both the children and also their parents.

The skill aims to engage the user in two ways.

  1. Playing a rhyme.
  2. Interactive mode of exploring countries.

Once the user launches the skill saying "Open Appu”, Alexa gives the user the option of playing a rhyme or exploring a country.

If the user wishes to play a rhyme, Alexa will give the option of playing a random rhyme or a particular rhyme.

If the user wishes to explore a country, Alexa randomly selects a country for the user to explore or explores one of the user's choice.