
VOLLT framework add-on used to generate MIVOT annotation on VOTables on the fly

Primary LanguageJava


Goal of the project

The goal of this project is to generate MIVOT annotations on VOTables.

Connection with VOLLT

This part describes the connection between our extension and VOLLT framework.

Generate a new output format

MangoFormat implements the OutputFormat interface and allows us to propose our own output format. The class MangoFormat has been added in the output_format property of tap.properties file.

The CustomVOTableFormat and MangoFormat classes, as well as the annotation cleanup functions, have been retrieved from the xtapdb project (Ihsane).

Getting the connection of TAP

A new class TAPMivotFactory have been created, it overrides the initial TAPFactory class of VOLLT to retrieve the instance of TAP. The TAPMivotFactory class has been added in the tap_factory property of the tap.properties file.

Getting the RealPath of the web-app folder

The realpath can be got by using the ServletContext object. I extended the ConfigurableTAPServlet in MivotTAPServlet and overrode the init method to get the ServletContext and store it in a static variable. Then I added my MivotTAPServlet to the web.xml file. In this way, I was able to access to the ServletContext from the MivotTAPServlet class. MivotTAPServlet.servletContext.getRealPath("/");

Building the mapping dictionary

The mapping dictionary is built as ModelBase objects. It is the MivotBaseInit class that is responsible for building the mapping dictionary. For building it from the columns requested, we look for 3 information by querying our rule mapping table "mango_mivot":

  • To which dmrole are these columns mapped?
  • From which dmtype do these dmroles originate?
  • What are the mandatory dmroles for these dmtypes?

Once these three information are obtained through queries to the mapping table, the next step is to determine if all mandatory dmroles for each dmtype are present in the request.

Building the annotation

already_built is a dictionary used to know if the annotation has already been built for this dmtype. dmtypeErrorDone is a dictionary used to know if the error class has already been built.

Improvement to do

The following points should be improved:

  • Revamp to structure of the mapping table
  • Change the condition "CoordSys" with
  • The error class handling is not well tested and should be improved. Can several table with the same dmerror been managed ?
  • The resolve_ref method should be divided into several methods.
  • Several exception class could be added regarding MIVOT.
  • Remove ModelBase.link_id because it is not used. Can be used for error class ?
  • The VOLLT logger could be used instead of the System.out.println.
  • We can add a frameDone dictionary to know if the frame has already been built.
  • Add indentation to the annotation (with XMLUtils).
  • Find a better name for resolve_ref method and rename changeAttributeValue in resolve name?.
  • How to handle dmtype (snippet) importation if this one is already in the request?