
Vagrant file to build a virtual machine that can compile the ESP8266 open SDK & MicroPython firmware.

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ESP8266 & MicroPython SDK Virtual Machine

Vagrant file to build a virtual machine that can compile the ESP8266 open SDK & MicroPython firmware.

Note that MicroPython support for the ESP8266 is in very early stages and does not support the full capabilities of other MicroPython boards. However this VM will help make it easy to build and install MicroPython for the ESP8266 to test it out and even contribute to it.

Many thanks to the contributors of ESP open SDK & MicroPython for making their excellent software available!


You must have the following software installed:


Clone this repository and navigate to it in a command terminal, then run the following command to bring the Vagrant virtual machine up and provision it for compiling the tools:

vagrant up

After the virtual machine is brought up and provisioned use the following command to enter an SSH session on it:

vagrant ssh

Once inside the virtual machine you will see two git repositories that have already been cloned:

  • esp-open-sdk - This is an SDK to compile code for the ESP8266's processor.

  • micropython - This is the MicroPython SDK which allows running embedded Python code on an ESP8266.

ESP Open SDK Compilation

You will want to first compile the ESP open SDK by executing (note that the compilation will take about 30 minutes to an hour or more depending on the speed of your machine):

cd esp-open-sdk

Note that if the compilation fails with an error like:

[ERROR]    collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed]
[ERROR]    make[4]: *** [cc1] Error 1
[ERROR]    make[3]: *** [all-gcc] Error 2

This means the virtual machine ran out of memory during the last stages of the compilation process. You can resolve this by bumping up the memory available to the VM by changing this line in the Vagrantfile

# Bump the memory allocated to the VM up to 1 gigabyte as the compilation of
# the esp-open-sdk tools requires more memory to complete.
v.memory = 1024

I found at least 1 gigabyte of memory was required to compile the SDK (and that is the default configuration value). If you change the Vagrantfile you will need to stop and restart the VM (see the Stopping & Starting the VM section further below).

Once the ESP open SDK compilation has finished you need to extend the path environment variable so the tools are accessible to MicroPython and other build scripts. You can do this by changing the .profile file so that on every login to the virtual machine it extends the path to includes these tools. Do this by executing:

echo "PATH=$(pwd)/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.profile

Finally exit and re-enter the VM to make this path change available by running:

vagrant ssh

MicroPython Compilation

After the ESP open SDK has been compiled and added to the path, execute the following commands to start compiling MicroPython (the compilation is quick and only takes a few minutes depending on the speed of your machine):

cd ~/micropython/esp8266

After the firmware compilation finishes the output will be the file ./build/firmware-combined.bin. This file should be flashed to the ESP8266 using any convenient flashing tool (see Flashing ESP8266 Firmware below). You can copy the firmware-combined.bin file to Vagrant's shared directory so it is accessible from your main computer and not just the Vagrant VM. Do this by running:

cp ./build/firmware-combined.bin /vagrant/

Now on your machine (not on the VM!) look inside the folder with the Vagrantfile and you should see the firmware-combined.bin file.

If you make any changes to MicroPython, like modifying the ./scripts/main.py file to change the boards's behavior on boot, you can recompile the MicroPython firmware by running these commands again:

cd ~/micropython/esp8266

Stopping & Starting the VM

To stop the VM make sure you've exited from any SSH session on it (run the exit command) and then run this command inside the directory with the Vagrantfile:

vagrant halt

To start the VM and SSH into it again just run:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Flashing ESP8266 Firmware

To flash the MicroPython firmware to the ESP8266 you can use the excellent esptool.py Python script. Note that you'll run this script from your machine and not the Vagrant VM that compiled the firmware!

First you need to make sure you have Git and Python 2.7 installed and have the PySerial library. For Windows users the easiest thing to do is install the pyserial-2.7.win32.exe installer and run it to install the library. For Mac OSX or Linux users you can instead install the library by installing pip and then running in a terminal:

sudo pip install pyserial

Once pyserial is installed clone the esptool.py repository by running in a terminal:

git clone https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool.git

Then change to the directory with the esptool.py script and invoke it with the -h option to see its usage:

cd esptool
python esptool.py -h

You should see something like the following printed:

usage: esptool [-h] [--port PORT] [--baud BAUD]

Now to flash the ESP8266 firmware make sure your ESP8266 is connected to your machine using a USB to serial cable. Find the name of the serial port using Device Manager on Windows, or running ls -l /dev/tty* on Mac OSX or Linux (usually it's a device /dev/ttyUSB on Linux).

You also need to make sure you have a firmware-combined.bin file that was built inside the VM in the previous steps.

To flash the chip with the firmware, hold down the GPIO0 button and then press the reset button (while still holding GPIO0). Release the reset button and then release the GPIO0 button. Now run in the terminal:

python esptool.py -p <serial port name> write_flash 0x00 firmware-combined.bin

Replace <serial port name> with the name of the serial port connected to the ESP8266, and replace firmware-combined.bin with the path to the firmware-combined.bin file if it is not already in the same directory. For example to flash the chip from a Linux machine a command like the following is run:

python esptool.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x00 firmware-combined.bin

The ESP8266 will be flashed with the MicroPython firmware and you should see output like the following:

Erasing flash...
Writing at 0x0004d800... (100 %)


Congratulations you've flashed the ESP8266 with MicroPython! Now to test it out connect to the ESP8266's serial port at 115200 baud. You should see a Python REPL, for example try typing:

print('Hello world!')