Molecule CI/CD License

Dockerized Services

Infrastructure provisioning based on docker-compose'd projects.

With this role you can simply manage your services if they have docker-compose.yml in repository.


Execution process is pretty straightforward:

  1. Each repository in dockerized_services_list will be cloned to dockerized_services_base_folder (if it's already exists, changes will be pulled from remote origin).

  2. For each service command $ docker-compose up --build -d will be executed.

  3. If service marked as disabled, $ docker-compose down will be performed instead.


This role strongly depends on git, docker and docker-compose executables.

Be sure to install them first.

Role Variables

Default variables are listed below (see defaults/main.yml), you can redefine them:

dockerized_services_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
dockerized_services_group: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
# where the repositories will be cloned
dockerized_services_base_folder: "/home/{{ dockerized_services_user }}/services"

# list of all services with configuration
dockerized_services_list: []
# - name: dockerized-service-stub # required
#   repository: "" # required
#   docker_compose_file: docker-compose.yml # docker-compose.yml by default
#   branch: master # branch to checkout, master by default
#   update: yes # should changes be pulled from origin, 'yes' by default
#   up: true # should this service be up and running, 'true' by default

# allow role to execute docker-compose to manage your services
dockerized_services_management_enabled: true

By default this role does nothing. You need to specify at least dockerized_services_list variable.


Only tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

May run on some other Linux distro, but not tested yet.

Example Usage

Just include this role in your playbook.yml and requirements.yml as follows:

# requirements.yml
- src:
  name: ansible-role-dockerized-services
  version: "v0.2.1"

# playbook.yml
- hosts: all
    - ansible-role-dockerized-services



Author Information

This role was created in 2022 by Alexander Zorkin for personal use.