
Game of Meow

Primary LanguagePython

Meow Hero

The game about cat, who study on "Software engineering" program in TSU.


  • Alexander Zorkin (programming)
  • Rufina Rafikova (plot and music)
  • Anastasia Politova (design)



  1. Download or clone the repo to your working directory.

     git clone https://github.com/somnoynadno/meow_hero.git
  2. Move to project directory

     cd meow_hero
  3. Install game requirements

     pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start the main script

     python3 src/main.py


Sorry, we have not executable file, so you need to follow this instruction:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Python3 and pip installed in your system. If not, install it by following instruction https://python-scripts.com/install-python-windows. Be sure to check the box for "Add Python X. Y to PATH" in the configuration wizard!

  2. Download zip and extract project to your working directory.

  3. Open project directory in cmd. If you have troubles with this step: https://nastroyvse.ru/opersys/win/sozdat-papku-cherez-komandnuyu-stroku-windows.html.

  4. Install game requirements

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Start the main script

     python src/main.py

or by double click on main script in /src directory.


If you have any troubles with installation and google can't help, just write me in vk: https://vk.com/somnoynadno.
