
A page/bugtracker for Random Reminder

Random Reminder Page

This is an area for the Random Reminder webpage/bug tracking feature of both iOS and Android apps.


If you want to submit a bug for the app, you may do so here, or alternatively email randomreminder [at] fastmail [dot] co [dot] uk.

Privacy Policy

Random Reminder does not collect data about you at all. There are no analytics in the app, even to determine a bug crash. This is intentional to protect your privacy as much as possible. If crashes and bugs are a frequent occurrence, I may seek out an crash analytics tool for iOS and Android, but it will be done with careful consideration with user privacy.

The app integrates with your mobile's calendar tools, but it does not collect any information from it - it just asks the phone's calendar to add a new entry, and allows the user to do whatever they wish.

With iOS, any changes you save get automatically saved into your iCloud account. This means if e.g. you wish to restore your app settings from an old iPhone to a new iPhone, your saved changes to the list will be carried over. This is default behaviour in iOS.

In Android, this feature is available, but it is turned off by default. If enough people request it, I can enable it.

Random Reminder does not call any third party APIs. All data is kept on the device.