
Typescript backend template with Jest

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typescript Seed Backend


This is a template repository to serve as seed for new projects developed @somosphi. This repo uses Typescript as development language, Jest as test framework and other main packages.

Obs: This project is developed based in this repo.

Installing and testing the app

$ npm install
$ npm run test

Building production version

$ npm install
$ npm run build


$ npm install
$ npm run lint


If you want to run locally you will need:

  • Docker
  • MySQL Docker image
  • RabbitMQ Docker image
  • Kubernetes Cluster (optional)

Execution Steps

  1. Start MySQL Docker
$ docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME=my-username -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -p 3306:3306 -d mysql:5.7
  1. Start RabbitMQ Server Docker
$ docker run --hostname rabbitmq-host --name rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE=my-cookie -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 -d rabbitmq:3.8
  1. Add a user to the RabbitMQ
$ docker run --rm -it rabbitmq:3.8 rabbitmqctl add_user my-username my-password
  1. For the user to access the RabbitMQ Management Web UI, we need to set the created user as administrator
$ docker run --rm -it rabbitmq:3.8 rabbitmqctl set_user_tags my-username administrator
  1. In the management console, we need to:
    1. Create the vHost
      1. Select the Admin tab
      2. In the top right, select the Virtual Hosts option
      3. Add the name to your virtual host -- this name will be used in the .env file in the property RABBIT_VHOST_HOME
      4. Click in Add virtual host
    2. Create the queues. This project is using 3 queues, tsseed.user.create, tsseed.user.find and tsseed.user.notify.
      1. Select the Queues tab
      2. Select the created virtual host
      3. Add the queue name in the form and select the Lazy Mode option, in the bottom of the form.
      4. Click in Add queue
    3. Create the exchanges and bind the queues. In this project is used 2 exchanges, tsseed.dx (direct) and tsseed.fx (fanout)
      1. Select the Exchanges tab
      2. At the form to create the exchange, select the created virtual host
      3. Add a name for the exchange. For direct exchanges add the .dx sufix and for the fanout exchanges add the .fx sufix
      4. Click in Add exchange
      5. Select the tsseed.dx exchange to bind the direct queues
        1. In the bind form, select To queue and add the name of the queue. For this direct exchange you need to bind the tsseed.user.create and tsseed.user.find queues
      6. Go back to the exchange list and select the tsseed.fx exchange to bind the fanout queues
        1. In the bind form, select To queue and add the name of the queue. For this fanout exchange you need to bind the tsseed.user.notify queue and add the user.create routing key
        2. Again, you need to bind the tsseed.fx exchange to the tsseed.user.notify queue and add the user.get routing key
  2. Add the environment variables to the .env file
  3. Run the MySQL migrations: npm run migrate:up
  4. Run the server in development mode: npm run dev