Use Configuration to Move Resources

In this tutorial, you will create several AWS resources in a single configuration file and then divide them into compute and security group modules. Then, you will use the moved block to refactor your configuration and update resource IDs, and review the corresponding state changes before you apply the new configuration.

Initialize and apply the configuration

  • terraform init
  • terraform apply

Test your instance availability with the curl command.

  • curl $(terraform output -raw public_ip):8080

Refactor your configuration

  • Remove the AMI data source, the instance resource, and security group resource.
  • mkdir -p modules/compute
  • cd modules/compute
  • Create a new file in the compute directory.
  • Then, create a new file to capture your instance IP address.

Create security group module

  • Next, create a new directory for your security_group module.
  • mkdir ../security_group
  • cd ../security_group
  • Create a new file in the security_group directory.
  • Create a new file to capture your security group ID.

Update configuration with modules

  • Navigate to the root of your project directory.
  • cd ../..
  • Open the file and add the new module blocks to the end of your configuration.
  • Update the file in the root directory.

Review planned changes

  • Next, reinitialize your configuration to install the newly created modules.
  • Your module changes would delete and recreate your resources, which causes service interruptions in your infrastructure.

Move your resources with the moved configuration block

  • In your root file, add moved configuration blocks.
  • Re-apply your configuration to move your resources into your new modules.

Rename and move a resource

  • You can also use the moved configuration block to rename existing resources.
  • Rename your vpc module, and update the references to it in the rest of your configuration.
  • Add the moved block for your VPC changes at the bottom of the file.
  • terraform init
  • terraform apply

