Open source project - Demo - Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) & Ingress

Deploying applications in MS Azure AKS using Ingress (NGINX Ingress Controller)

  • Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a fully managed container orchestration service. It reduces the complexity of container deployment and management and provides automation.
  • Azure automatically creates and configures a Kubernetes control plane for each cluster. In addition, MS handles all Kubernetes upgrades and new version updates within AKS.
  • Using AKS doesn’t attract cluster management and master node fees, unlike other platforms. Customer is charged for the network resources, worker nodes & other Azure resouces that are used.
  • Infrastructure management is smooth; AKS elastically provisions resources, so customers/developers don’t need to worry about whether they’re being used effectively.
  • Azure AKS Architecture :
    A Kubernetes cluster is divided into two components:
    • Control plane: provides the core Kubernetes services and orchestration of application workloads. This is managed by Azure
    • Nodes: run client application workloads on Kubernetes.
  • Ingress is a Kubernetes API object that maps an application to a stable, externally addressable HTTP or HTTPS URL. It can route traffic to multiple services
  • Ingress controllers work at layer 7 and can use more intelligent rules to distribute application traffic. Ingress controllers typically route HTTP/HTTPS traffic to different applications based on the inbound URL.

Steps to be followed :

  • Clone the repository and navigate to the folder lab-05

  • Open powershell in administrator mode and login with below command. If you have multiple subscriptions then select the correct subcription by second command
    $ az login --use-device
    $ az account set --subscription <<-subsctption name/id->> (optional if you have multiple subcriptions)

  • To view the current/default subscrition use the below command (optional).
    $ az account show --output table

  • Create resource group "aksdemo".
    $ az group create --name aksdemo --location southeastasia

  • Create an AKS cluster with 2 nodes (if you want to attach ACR then add --attach-acr )
    $ az aks create --name aksdemo -g aksdemo --node-count 2 --generate-ssh-keys

  • Switch context. (To configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster, use the az aks get-credentials command).
    $ az aks get-credentials -n aksdemo -g aksdemo

  • Refer below commands for verification of contexts.
    $ kubectl config view
    $ kubectl config current-context (output should be aksdemo).
    $ kubectl config get contexts
    $ kubectl config use-context <<-context name->>

  • Check nodes and pods in your AKS cluster.
    $ kubectl get nodes -o wide
    $ kubectl get pods

  • Add a NGINX ingress controller without customizing the defaults. The last command is deprecated & if 3rd command works then no need to execute last command
    $ helm repo add ingress-nginx
    $ helm repo update
    $ helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace ingress-basic --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set controller.nodeSelector.""=linux --set defaultBackend.nodeSelector.""=linux
    $ helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace ingress-basic --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set controller.nodeSelector.""=linux --set defaultBackend.nodeSelector.""=linux

  • Verify NGINX controller installation
    $ kubectl get pods -n ingress-basic -l --watch

  • Inspect the ingress controller Service
    $ kubectl get svc -n ingress-basic

    Deploy the application (s)

  • Deploy the cats application (pod and ClusterIP service)
    $ kubectl apply -f cats.yaml

  • Deploy the "Dogs" application (pod and ClusterIP service)
    $ kubectl apply -f dogs.yaml

  • Deploy the "Birds" application (pod and ClusterIP service)
    $ kubectl apply -f birds.yaml

  • Create the ingress resource
    $ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

  • List existing pods & services
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ kubectl get svc

  • List existing ingress
    $ kubectl get ingress

Access the application

  • Get the ingress controller External IP (type LoadBalancer)
    $ kubectl get svc -n ingress-basic
  • Browse to the cats, dogs and birds service
    $ http://<<-ingress-controller-external-ip->>/cats
    $ http://<<-ingress-controller-external-ip->>/dogs
    $ http://<<-ingress-controller-external-ip->>/birds
  • Clean up resources
    $ kubectl get all
    $ kubectl delete all --all
    $ kubectl delete ingress --all
    $ kubectl delete all --all -n ingress-basic
    $ kubectl delete namespace ingress-basic
  • List existing resources
    $ kubectl get all
  • Clean your Azure enviornment. Other than "aksdemo" there will be an autogenerated resource group created which also needs to be deleted
    $ az group delete --name <<-resource group name->> --yes -y
    $ az group delete --name aksdemo --yes -y

Further References :