Emacs leraning tracker

Emacs learning log

Lesson 1 07/13

  • create init.el and inhibit the startup message
  • add melpa to package-archives
  • installed use-package
  • installed try using use-package
  • installed which-key using use-package

Lesson 2 7/13

  • learnt some basic note taking and outlining with org mode
  • creating this org file( planning to host this up on github)
  • will instlall org-bullets and add the basic config to it
  • added start up instruction to this file to expand all bullets at startup

Lesson 3 7/13

  • Some basic elisp stuffs like (+ a b)
  • removed toolbar from startup

Lesson 4 7/13

  • Some basic ido-mode setup
    • enable flexible matching (ido-enable-flex-matching)
    • enable ido every where (ido-everywhere)
    • enable ibuffer to get a fancy list of buffers upon which we can work. alternatives: ibuffer/ibuffer-other-window
    • nice little package called tabbar creates tab-bars for the buffers [ I think I will use this for a while now]

Lesson 5 7/13

  • Some basic window management stuffs
  • installed package ace-window. it labels each window with a type font so that switching to a specific window becomes easier.

Lesson 6 7/13

  • Alt+x, describe-package, gives a desription of the package within emacs
  • Will be installing swiper
  • Added emacs-bash-completion [cannot see any difference, will keep it for a while, before removing it]

Lesson 7 7/14

  • Org mode bulleting
  • create tables, links
  • write code blocks, [modified init.el] to add init code, that does syntax highlighting for code blocks in org mode as in the language’s native mode.

Lesson 8 7/15

  • Learnt about avy, a nice little package for navigation. Have it addded on config, need to explore further
  • Have spent the entire day setting up mu4e with mbsync. Lots of stuff added to emacs config related to mail setup

Yet to explore m4ue context to manage multiple mails.

Will stick to single accounts for a while and get used to before exploring this

Lesson 9 7/20

Learnt some stuffs this week haven’t quite updated this README religiously

  • Added some themes
  • Learnt about avy haven’t quite explored it yet
  • Modularized the init file to Org modules
  • auto-complete is installed and am liking it so far