
Onepage scroll webpage in component.

Primary LanguageCSS


Onepage scroll webpage in component, inspired by Apple iPhone page.


Install with component(1):

$ component install lepture/onepage


var Onepage = require('onepage')
var onepage = new Onepage(document.getElementById('container'));

Onepage accepts two parameters: element and options. The given element is the father node of each page. For example:

<div class="container">
  <div class="page"></div>
  <div class="page"></div>
  <div class="page"></div>

div.container is a good element, and every div.page will be one page.


You can control the animation by options.

  • duration: transform duration for scrolling, default is 800.
  • timingFunction: function for transform, default is ease.
  • wheelDelta: min wheelDelta value for scrolling, default is 100.
  • pagination: create pagination or not, default is true.
  • keyboard: bind keyboard control or not, default is true.
  • loop: loop control, default is down, other options are: up and both.


Onepage can trigger events. You can subscribe an event by:

onepage.on('move', function(page) {
  • move(page): when page moves
  • end(page): when animation end

You can subscribe events with: on, once. You can remove an event with off.

Learn more about event emitter at component/emitter.


Move to the the given page number. Page begin with 0.

// move to the 3rd page.


Current active page number.


The container element.


Array of pages in the container.


Pagination element.


Last animation time.
