Book My Show App

Netlify app link

Render.Com Link


Book My Show is a web application that allows users to easily book movie tickets and view their previous bookings. The application consists of a frontend hosted on Netlify and a backend hosted on Render.

Frontend Dependencies

The frontend of this application utilizes the following dependencies:

  • **axios **: A promise-based HTTP client for making requests to the backend.
  • **bootstrap **: A popular CSS framework for creating responsive and stylish user interfaces.
  • **notistack **: A notification library for displaying user-friendly messages.
  • **react-bootstrap **: A library that combines React and Bootstrap components.
  • **react-dom **: A package for rendering React components in the browser.
  • **react-scripts **: A set of scripts and configuration for React applications.
  • **react-toastify **: A toast notification library for React applications.

Backend Dependencies

The backend of this application relies on the following dependencies:

  • **express **: A fast and minimal web framework for Node.js.
  • **mongodb **: The official MongoDB driver for Node.js.
  • **mongoose **: An elegant MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js.


Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to set up the following environment variables in your .env file:

  • API_KEY: Your MongoDB cluster connection key.
  • MONGODBURI: MongoDB live connection string.
  • MONGODBURI (Local): MongoDB local connection string (if the application is running on localhost).
  • COLLECTION_NAME: Name of the MongoDB collection.
  • NODE_ENV: Set to development for local development or production for live deployment.
  • APP_PORT: Port number for the backend server.
  • GET_REQUEST: Path for GET requests.
  • POST_REQUEST: Path for POST requests.

Tech Stack

  • Client: React.js, Bootstrap
  • Server: Node.js, Express
  • Database: MongoDB


  1. Visit the Book My Show App frontend at
  2. Select the movie you would like to watch.
  3. Choose a time slot.
  4. Select your desired seat type and number of seats.
  5. Click the "Book Now" button to make a booking.
  6. After booking, you will receive a successful booking message, and your last booking details will be displayed on the screen under the "Last Booking Details" heading.


Local Development

For local development, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository.
  • Navigate to the client directory and run the following commands:
cd client
npm install
npm start

  • For the backend, navigate to the server directory and run the following commands:
cd server
npm install
npm start

API Reference

Base URL

Make sure to configure the environment variables as mentioned above.