
Path to my self-taught education in Data Science

My Data Science Journey

Path to my self-taught education in Data Science


About Me

My name is David, lives in Ho Chi Minh City, the south of Vietnam. I've been working as a Project Manager at YOMI Studio for the last 5 years - a digital product agency that builds products to grow clients' businesses. Also, I focus my time and efforts to help build our own's products that gave me many valuable lessons.

When products grow, I find myself facing a new challenge that dealing with data. Some questions immediately come to my mind when having data are:

  • What to do with those data?
  • What are the insights that can help bring more value to the product and the business?
  • How and where should we start?
  • ...

One quote from Andrew Ng once said "Some of the most successful businesses succeed by exploiting their users." and I believe that's true, user-centric is the key and you have to understand your users to bring them more value, that will lead to the success of a business.

This project is a place for me to keep track of my learning. Not all resources record here, just the ones that I have completed so far and the following ones that are on my mind for a next step (in a short/medium or even long term).

Thanks to many good resources from MOOC, especially Virgilio 👍 👍 👍 for such a great library and help me a lot during my journey.


Linear Algebra

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers 15 weeks 8 hours/week To Do
Applications of Linear Algebra Part 1 5 weeks 4 hours/week To Do
Applications of Linear Algebra Part 2 4 weeks 5 hours/week In To Do

Single Variable Calculus

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Calculus 1A: Differentiation 13 weeks 6-10 hours/week To Do
Calculus 1B: Integration 13 weeks 6-10 hours/week To Do
Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series 13 weeks 6-10 hours/week To Do

Multivariable Calculus

Courses Duration Effort Progress
MIT OCW Multivariable Calculus 15 weeks 8 hours/week To Do

Probability and Statistics

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Introduction to Probability 16 weeks 12 hours/week To Do
Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics 5 weeks 6 - 8 hours/week To Do
Introduction to Statistics: Probability 5 weeks 6 - 8 hours/week To Do
Introduction to Statistics: Inference 5 weeks 6 - 8 hours/week To Do

Data Wrangling

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Data Wrangling with MongoDB 8 weeks 10 hours/week To Do

Big Data

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce 4 weeks 6 hours/week To Do
Deploying a Hadoop Cluster 3 weeks 6 hours/week To Do


  • Python
  • R

DataCamp Career Track

Track Courses Duration Effort Progress
Data Analyst with R 19 courses 64 hours 8 - 10 hours/week Done
Data Analyst with Python 16 courses 60 hours 8 - 10 hours/week Done

Micro Master Georgia Tech OMSA

Courses Duration Effort Progress
Computing for Data Analysis 5 months 10 - 12 hours/week Done
Data Analytics for Business 5 months 10 - 12 hours/week In Progress
Introduction to Analytics Modeling 5 months 10 - 12 hours/week Upcoming

Kaggle Projects in R

Kaggle Projects in Python


Name Progress
R for Data Science To Do
R in Action (2nd ed.) To Do
Efficient R Programming To Do
The Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd ed.) To Do