
Codes for the CFD lab at TUM for SoSe16 by Tord, Daniel and Vishal.



Macros, Constants MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
Struct and Typedef's GtkWidget (-> camel case with first uppercase letter)
Enum ETitleCase (-> prefix letter "E" indicates enum)
Enum Members ALL_CAPS
Functions, default (operating on structs) my_function() (-> classic C style, underscores)
Private Functions (that are there, but shouldn't be called directly, or have obscure uses, e.g. 'helper functions') p_destroy_cache() (-> prefix "p_" to indicate private function (1))
Trivial variables i,x,n,f etc...
Local variables my_variable (-> with underscore, same in framework)
Global variables G_GLOBAL_VARIABLE (-> use global variables with care (2)! prefix "G_" indicates global variable)

(1) There are reserved C functions beginning with underscore only, therefore, "p_" is safer (no shadowing).


Line length (?)

Keep the line length to under 80 characters if possible. Then a split screen on a laptop can show everything.