
A food calendar application developed with React-Redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UdaciMeals - a food calendar application

Project Setup

This REACT application was created with create-react-app and requires only npm install and npm start to get it installed and launched.

Installation and Launching

clone the Project - git clone https://github.com/sonalikatara/udacimeal

This application uses API's from Edamam developer site. You will have to register and place your unique ID and API key in the .env file

install the dependencies - npm install

start the project with npm - npm start serve

listen the server on http://localhost:3000




This application has a Calendar that shows 3 differents meals for a day.

You can click on the calendar icon for a meal and search it for pictures and ingredients.

Shopping List


The application creates a shopping list of all the ingredients for the recipies on the calendar.


This project is made learning how to build React-Redux applications