This is set of RESTful APIs with Django Rest Framework(DRF) for managing product catalog. The API provides:
- Creating, updating, listing and deleting products
- Searching for products
- Uploading product image
- Tests to check if the API are working correctly
Clone the repository
git clone
Create a virtual environment
cd CatalogMaster
python3 -m venv env
orvirtualenv env
to create virtual environment named env -
Activate the virtual environment
In Ubuntu:source env/bin/activate
In Windows:.\env\Scripts\activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup database
python migrate
orpython3 migrate
Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
orpython3 createsuperuser
Run the server
python runserver
orpython3 runserver
GET /api/product/
- Retrives all products
POST /api/product/create
- Create a new product
PUT /api//product/<id>
- Update an existing product
DELETE /api/product/<id>
- Delete an existing product
- Test that API returns a list of products when no search is provided.
- Test that API returns a list of products when search is provided
- Test that API return a empty list when search is not
- Test that API create a product with only valid payload
- Test that API doesn't create product with invalid payload
- Test that API update a product with only valid payload
- Test that API doesn't create product with invalid payload
- Test that API delete a existing product
To test the test suite, run the command:
python test
or python3 test
This will run all the tests in file
The Catalog Manager API is documented using Postman. You can import the Postman Collection to get started.