[] (https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/sonalsatpute/js-dev-env)
- .editorconfig
Package Managers
- Bower
- npm
- Jam
- volo
Node.js (6)
- Configuration using package.json
- Grunt
- Gulp
- nmp scripts { "scripts": { "command-name" : "command" } }
Security Check
- $nsp check**
Development Server
- http-server
- live-server
- Express
- budo
- webpack dev server
- Browsersync
- localtunnerl (public url with in your network)
- ngrok (Secure tunnel - need authtoken)
- Surge (host static files, simple)
- now (Quickly deploy Node.js to cloud)
- Babel
- TypeScript
- Elm
- webpack
- Require JS
- Browserify
- Roolup
- JSLint
- JSHint
- ESLint
Testing Framwork
- Mocha (highly configurable)
- Jasmine (build in assertion libary)
- Tape (lean and simple)
- QUnit (jQurty testing)
- AVA (execute affected only)
- Jest (from facebook wraper over Jasmine)
Assertion Library
- Chai
- ShouldJS
- Expect
Helper Library
- JSDOM (simulat the browser's DOM without browser)
- Cheerio (jQuery for the server, Query virtual DOM uisng jQuery selectors)
Test Runner
- In Browser
- Karma
- Testem
- Headless Browser (no visible interface) ** PhantomJS (V8 enggine behind)
- In-memory DOM
- JSDOM (fast and quick the setup)
- In Browser
Test Files Location
- Centralized
- Less "noise" in src folder
- Deployment confussion
- Inertia
- Alongside
- Easy import
- Clear Visibility
- Convenient to open
- No recreating folde structure
- Easy file moves
- Centralized
When should test runs
- (unit tests) When you hit save (Rapid feedback, Facilitates TDD, Automatic/Low friction, Incress test Visibility)
Unit Tests
- Test a small unit
- Often single function
- Fast
- Run upon save
Integration Tests
- Test multiple units
- Often involves clicking and waiting
- Slow
- Often run on demand, or in QA
Multiple Task Parallel Execusion
Http Calls
Polyfill.io : send Polyfill to those who need it.
Mocking Http Calls
- Nock
- Static JSON
- Create development webserver
- api-mock
- JSON server
- JSON schema fake
- faker, chance, regexp
- Browserssync
- Express
- $node buildScript\srcServer.js
- $npm install -g localtunnel
- $node buildScript\srcServer.js
- $Lt --port 3000
- $npm start
- $npm run security-check