
5GTANGO Service Platform Repositories API

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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5GTANGO Repositories

This repository contains the development for the 5GTANGO 's Service Platform Repositories. It holds the API implementation for the Service Platform Repositories component.


To contribute to the development of the 5GTANGO Catalogue and/or Repositories, you may use the very same development workflow as for any other 5GTANGO Github project. That is, you have to fork the repository and create pull requests.


It is recommended to use Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Trusty Tahr).

This code has been run on Ruby 2.1.

A connection to a MongoDB is required, this code has been run using MongoDB version 3.2.1.

Root folder provides a script "installation_mongodb.sh" to install and set up a local MongoDB, or you can use mongoexpress to manage the remote mongo databases.

Ruby gems used (for more details see Gemfile):

  • Sinatra - Ruby framework
  • puma - Web server
  • json - JSON specification
  • sinatra-contrib - Sinatra extensions
  • rake - Ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
  • JSON-schema - JSON schema validator
  • jwt - Json Web Token lib
  • curb - HTTP and REST client
  • Yard - Documentation generator tool
  • mongoid-grid_fs - Implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification


You may contribute to the editor similar to other 5GTANGO (sub-) projects, i.e. by creating pull requests.


After cloning the source code from the repository, you can run Catalogue-Repositories with the next command:

bundle install

Which will install all the gems needed to run, or if you have docker and docker-compose installed, you can run

docker-compose up


The following shows how to start the API server for the Catalogues-Repositories:

rake start

or you can use docker-compose

docker-compose up

The Repositories' API allows the use of CRUD operations to send or retrieve records. The available records include services records (NSR) and functions records (VNFR). For testing the Repositories, you can use 'curl' tool to send a request to the API. It is required to set the HTTP header 'Content-type' field to 'application/json' or 'application/x-yaml' according to your desired format. Remember to set the IP address and port accordingly.

Method GET:

To receive all instances you can use

 curl http://localhost:4012/records/nsr
 curl http://localhost:4012/records/vnfr

To receive an instance by its ID:

curl -X GET http://localhost:4012/records/nsr/9f18bc1b-b18d-483b-88da-a600e9255868
curl -X GET http://localhost:4012/records/vnfr/9f18bc1b-b18d-483b-88da-a600e9255016

Method POST:

To send a record instance

curl -X POST --data-binary @test_nsr.yaml -H "Content-type:application/x-yaml" http://localhost:4012/records/nsr
curl -X POST --data-binary @test_vnfr.yaml -H "Content-type:application/x-yaml" http://localhost:4012/records/vnfr

API Documentation

API documentation in Swagger can be accessed from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sonata-nfv/tng-rep/master/doc/tng-rep.yaml

Also you can see all the 5GTANGO API's documentation here: https://sonata-nfv.github.io/tng-doc/


The 5GTANGO Repositories is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.

Useful Links

To support working and testing with the son-catalogue database it is optional to use next tools:

  • Robomongo - Robomongo 0.9.0-RC4

  • POSTMAN - Chrome Plugin for HTTP communication

Lead Developers

The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.

  • Felipe Vicens (felipevicens)
  • JosĂ© Bonnet (jbonnet)


  • Please use the GitHub issues to report bugs.