- 5
Username/Email is passed as clear GET Parameter to CheckEmailAction on password reset process
#1692 opened by BA-JBI - 4
- 1
Make reset password optional
#1491 opened by jordisala1991 - 5
Add the ability to disable global_search
#1683 opened by BillyMorgan - 6
Extend UserAdmin problem (bug?)
#1676 opened by 71kris - 7
The login page fix the width of the logo image to 64px
#1592 opened by landure - 1
User creation
#1588 opened by jonrodsan - 5
Deprecation: Returning a string from "getSalt()" without implementing the LegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface
#1652 opened by piddubnij - 2
- 16
Expose role matrix as standalone component
#1519 opened by fkrauthan - 6
- 1
The ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN role is deprecated
#1571 opened by piddubnij - 2
Invalid type for path "security.role_hierarchy.providers.sonata_user_bundle" - Error on fresh install.
#1622 opened by tgaertner - 2
BaseUser.mongodb.xml broken in SonataUserBundle 5.6.1
#1623 opened by landure - 1
The profile link in `user_block.html.twig` is always displayed, even if user is not allowed to view the profile.
#1591 opened by landure - 1
SonataUserBundle does not register UserListener with doctrine_mongodb.odm.event_subscriber
#1578 opened by landure - 5
SonataUserBundle 5.6.0 changes to `BaseUser.mongodb.xml` break XML validation
#1612 opened by landure - 1
`BaseUser.mongodb.xml` `boolean field `enabled` triggers a deprecation warning
#1613 opened by landure - 0
Admin list does not have edit button
#1580 opened by haivala - 5
- 4
Cannot log in after upgrade to symfony 5.4
#1532 opened by Mysak007 - 3
Incorrect display acl privileges grid, when exists two admin entity with the same name (in other groups).
#1583 opened by TomaszFilipek - 1
Use SensitiveParameter for password and others
#1555 opened by Hanmac - 4
User Bundle + Sonata Admin: No redirect to login form when opening /admin/dashboard without being logged in
#1523 opened by Saerdn - 0
To delete (wrong repository)
#1582 opened by TomaszFilipek - 2
- 3
In user-bundle 5.3.0, error: Key "form" for array with keys "role, role_translated, is_granted" does not exist.
#1552 opened by wluijt-endertech - 3
ROLE_USER in RoleMatrixType visible without effect
#1535 opened by Hanmac - 2
UserProvider: add way to disable (ByEmail) part
#1525 opened by Hanmac - 14
Roadmap to 5.0
#1465 opened by jordisala1991 - 4
- 3
Using this bundle without SonataAdminBundle
#1499 opened by supersmile2009 - 6
Error when we install bundle symfony 5.4
#1464 opened by faker-ben-ali - 1
Create smaller UserInterface
#1283 opened by VincentLanglet - 5
Roadmap SonataAdmin 4 / Symfony 5
#1453 opened by jackd248 - 16
- 7
Upgrading causes Model class "My\User" does not correspond to manager type "orm"
#1403 opened by Bilge - 1
Not compatible with twig 3
#1354 opened by matjaz321 - 1
Does the user bundle require PHP 7.3 and only 7.3?
#1393 opened by patrickmaynard - 1
- 3
[POC] Remove FOSUserBundle inheritance
#1255 opened by wbloszyk - 2
admin_app_sonatausergroup_create does not exist
#1338 opened by divelopa - 5
Compatibility with doctrine/common 3.0
#1331 opened by jordisala1991 - 2
Argument 3 passed to FOS\UserBundle\Doctrine\UserManager in sonata-project/user-bundle
#1336 opened by Rachidelmahmoudi - 5
Not compatible with doctrine ^2.8
#1317 opened by marhub - 1
User registration SonataUserBundle 4
#1308 opened by Tadek888 - 0
- 4
Bug in TwoStepVerificationCommand
#1274 opened by eerison - 1
TwoStepVerificationCommand using deprecated class
#1270 opened by eerison - 2
sonata_user_already_authenticated no longer translated
#1265 opened by mazsudo