
Quadsort is a stable adaptive merge sort which is faster than quicksort.

Primary LanguageC


This document describes a stable bottom-up adaptive merge sort named quadsort. A visualisation and benchmarks are available at the bottom.

The quad swap

At the core of quadsort is the quad swap. Traditionally most sorting algorithms have been designed using the binary swap where two variables are sorted using a third temporary variable. This typically looks as following.

    if (val[0] > val[1])
        swap[0] = val[0];
        val[0] = val[1];
        val[1] = swap[0];

Instead the quad swap sorts four variables at once. During the first stage the four variables are partially sorted in the four swap variables, in the second stage they are fully sorted back to the original four variables.

            ╭─╮             ╭─╮                  ╭─╮          ╭─╮
            │A├─╮         ╭─┤S├────────┬─────────┤?├─╮    ╭───┤F│
            ╰─╯    ╭─╮    ╰─╯                 ╰┬╯    ╭┴╮  ╰─╯
                ├───┤?├───┤                   ╭──╯  ╰───┤?
            ╭─╮    ╰─╯    ╭─╮                        ╰┬╯  ╭─╮
            │A├─╯         ╰─┤S├────────│────────╮         ╰───┤F│
            ╰─╯             ╰┬╯               ││             ╰─╯
                            ╭┴╮ ╭─╮   ╭┴╮ ╭─╮  ││
                            ?├─┤F│   ?├─┤F│  ││
                            ╰┬╯ ╰─╯   ╰┬╯ ╰─╯  ││
            ╭─╮             ╭┴╮               ││             ╭─╮
            │A├─╮         ╭─┤S├────────│───────╯│         ╭───┤F│
            ╰─╯    ╭─╮    ╰─╯                ╰─╮      ╭┴╮  ╰─╯
                ├───┤?├───┤                        ╭───┤?
            ╭─╮    ╰─╯    ╭─╮                 ╭┴╮    ╰┬╯  ╭─╮
            │A├─╯         ╰─┤S├────────┴─────────┤?├─╯    ╰───┤F│
            ╰─╯             ╰─╯                  ╰─╯          ╰─╯

This process is visualized in the diagram above.

After the first round of sorting a single if check determines if the four swap variables are sorted in-order, if that's the case the swap finishes up immediately. Next it checks if the swap variables are sorted in reverse-order, if that's the case the sort finishes up immediately. If both checks fail the final arrangement is known and two checks remain to determine the final order.

This eliminates 1 wasteful comparison for in-order sequences while creating 1 additional comparison for random sequences. However, in the real world we are rarely comparing truly random data, so in any instance where data is more likely to be orderly than disorderly this shift in probability will give an advantage.

In C the basic quad swap looks as following:

    if (val[0] > val[1])
        swap[0] = val[1];
        swap[1] = val[0];
        swap[0] = val[0];
        swap[1] = val[1];

    if (val[2] > val[3])
        swap[2] = val[3];
        swap[3] = val[2];
        swap[2] = val[2];
        swap[3] = val[3];

    if (swap[1] <= swap[2])
        val[0] = swap[0];
        val[1] = swap[1];
        val[2] = swap[2];
        val[3] = swap[3];
    else if (swap[0] > swap[3])
        val[0] = swap[2];
        val[1] = swap[3];
        val[2] = swap[0];
        val[3] = swap[1];
       if (swap[0] <= swap[2])
           val[0] = swap[0];
           val[1] = swap[2];
           val[0] = swap[2];
           val[1] = swap[0];

       if (swap[1] <= swap[3])
           val[2] = swap[1];
           val[3] = swap[3];
           val[2] = swap[3];
           val[3] = swap[1];

In-place quad swap

There are however several problems with the simple quad swap above. If an array is already fully sorted it writes a lot of data back and forth from swap unnecessarily. If an array is fully in reverse order it will change 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 to 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 which reduces the degree of orderliness rather than increasing it.

To solve these problems the quad swap needs to be implemented in-place.

Reverse order handling

Reverse order data is typically handled using a simple reversal function, as following.

int reverse(int array[], int start, int end, int swap)
    while (start < end)
        swap = array[start];
        array[start++] = array[end];
        array[end--] = swap;

While random data can only be sorted using n log n comparisons and n log n moves, reverse-order data can be sorted using n comparisons and n moves through run detection. Without run detection the best you can do is sort it in n comparisons and n log n moves.

Run detection, as the name implies, comes with a detection cost. Thanks to the laws of probability a quad swap can cheat however. The chance of 4 random numbers having the order 4 3 2 1 is 1 in 24. So when sorting random data we'll only make a wasteful run check in 4.16% of cases.

What about run detection for in-order data? While we're turning n log n moves into n moves with reverse order run detection, we'd be turning 0 moves into 0 moves with forward run detection. So there's no point in doing so.

The next optimization is to write the quad swap in such a way that we can perform a simple check to see if the entire array was in reverse order, if so, the sort is finished.

One final optimization, reverse order handling is only beneficial on runs longer than 4 elements. When no reverse order run is detected the next 4 elements are merged with the first 4 elements. This reduces the chance of a wasteful run check to 2.08%.

At the end of the loop the array has been turned into a series of ordered blocks of 8 elements.

Ping-Pong Merge

Traditionally mergesorts would merge two blocks to swap memory, then copy them back to main memory.

main memory ┌────────┐┌────────┐
                  ↓ merge ↓
swap memory ┌──────────────────┐
                  ↓ copy ↓
main memory ┌──────────────────┐

This doubles the amount of moves and we can fix this by merging 4 blocks at once using a ping-pong merge like so:

main memory ┌────────┐┌────────┐┌────────┐┌────────┐
                  ↓ merge ↓           ↓ merge ↓
swap memory ┌──────────────────┐┌──────────────────┐
                            ↓ merge ↓
main memory ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐


Just like with the quad swap it is beneficial to check whether the 4 blocks are in-order.

In the case of the 4 blocks being in-order the merge operation is skipped, as this would be pointless. Because reverse order data is handled in the quad swap there is no need to check for reverse order blocks.

This allows quadsort to sort in-order sequences using n comparisons instead of n * log n comparisons.

Parity merge

A parity merge takes advantage of the fact that if you have two n length arrays, you can fully merge the two arrays by performing n merge operations on the start of each array, and n merge operations on the end of each array. The arrays must be of exactly equal length.

The main advantage of a parity merge over a traditional merge is that the loop of a parity merge can be fully unrolled.

Branchless parity merge

Since the parity merge can be unrolled it's very suitable for branchless optimizations to speed up the sorting of random data. Another advantage is that two separate memory regions can be accessed in the same loop with no additional overhead. This makes the routine up to 2.5 times faster on random data.

The following is a visualization of an array with 256 random elements getting turned into sorted blocks of 32 elements using ping-pong parity merges.

quadsort visualization

Quad merge

While a branchless parity merge sorts random data faster, it sorts ordered data slower.

To deal with this the quad merge works in a similar way to the quad swap. Instead of merging the ends of two arrays two items at a time, it merges four items at a time.

┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐    ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐            ╭───╮  ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐
│ A ││ B ││ C │    │ X ││ Y ││ Z │        ┌───│B<X├──┤ A ││ B ││C/X│
└─┬─┘└─┬─┘└───┘    └─┬─┘└─┬─┘└───┘        │   ╰─┬─╯  └───┘└───┘└───┘
  └────┴─────────────┴────┴───────────────┘     │  ╭───╮  ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐
                                                └──│A>Y├──┤ X ││ Y ││A/Z│
                                                   ╰─┬─╯  └───┘└───┘└───┘
                                                     │    ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐

When merging ABC and XYZ it first checks if B is smaller or equal to X. If that's the case A and B are copied to swap. If not, it checks if A is greater than Y. If that's the case X and Y are copied to swap.

If either check is false it's known that the two remaining distributions are A X and X A. This allows performing an optimal branchless merge. Since it's known each block still has at least 1 item remaining (B and Y) and there is a high probability of the data to be random, another (sub-optimal) branchless merge can be performed.

In C this looks as following:

while (l < l_size - 1 && r < r_size - 1)
    if (left[l + 1] <= right[r])
        swap[s++] = left[l++];
        swap[s++] = left[l++];
    else if (left[l] > right[r + 1])
        swap[s++] = right[r++];
        swap[s++] = right[r++];
        a = left[l] > right[r];
        x = !a;
        swap[s + a] = left[l++];
        swap[s + x] = right[r++];
        s += 2;

Overall the quad merge gives a decent performance gain.

Merge strategy

Quadsort will merge blocks of 8 into blocks of 32, which it will merge into blocks of 128, 512, 2048, 8192, etc.

For each ping-pong merge quadsort will perform two comparisons to see if it will be faster to parity merge or quad merge, and pick the best option.

Tail merge

When sorting an array of 33 elements you end up with a sorted array of 32 elements and a sorted array of 1 element in the end. If a program sorts in intervals it should pick an optimal array size (32, 128, 512, etc) to do so.

To minimalize the impact the remainder of the array is sorted using a tail merge.

The main advantage of a tail merge is that it allows reducing the swap space of quadsort to n / 2 and that the quad merge strategy works best on arrays of different lengths. It also greatly simplifies the ping-pong merge routine which only needs to work on arrays of equal length.

Rotate merge

By using rotations the swap space of quadsort is reduced further from n / 2 to n / 4. Rotations can be performed with minimal performance loss by using monobound binary searches and trinity / bridge rotations.

Big O

                 │comparisons            ││swap memory            │
│name           ││min    │avg    │max    ││min    │avg    │max    ││stable││partition││adaptive │
│mergesort      ││n log n│n log n│n log n││n      │n      │n      ││yes   ││no       ││no       │
│quadsort       ││n      │n log n│n log n││1      │n      │n      ││yes   ││no       ││yes      │
│quicksort      ││n log n│n log n│n²     ││111      ││no    ││yes      ││no       │

Quadsort makes n comparisons when the data is fully sorted or reverse sorted.

Data Types

The C implementation of quadsort supports long doubles and 8, 16, 32, and 64 bit data types. By using pointers it's possible to sort any other data type, like strings.


Quadsort uses the same interface as qsort, which is described in man qsort.


By default quadsort uses n / 4 swap memory. If memory allocation fails quadsort will switch to sorting in-place through rotations.


Quadsort is one of the fastest merge sorts written to date. It is faster than quicksort for most data distributions, with the notable exception of generic data.

On arrays exceeding the L1 cache quicksort has an advantage due to its ability to partition. For small arrays quadsort has a significant advantage due to quicksort's inability to cost effectively pick a reliable pivot.


  • blitsort is a quadsort based rotate merge sort. It aims to be the fastest in-place stable sort.

  • fluxsort is a hybrid stable quicksort / quadsort with improved performance on random data. It is currently the fastest comparison sort for random data.

  • gridsort is a hybrid cubesort / quadsort. Gridsort makes O(n) moves rather than the typical O(n log n) moves. It is the fastest online sort and might be of interest to those interested in data structures.

  • twinsort is a simplified quadsort with a much smaller code size. Twinsort might be of use to people who want to port or understand quadsort; it does not use pointers or gotos.

  • wolfsort is a hybrid radixsort / fluxsort with improved performance on random data. It's mostly a proof of concept that only works on unsigned 32 and 64 bit integers. It's possibly the fastest radix sort for 32 bit integers, overall fluxsort is faster for 64 bit integers.


I personally invented the quad swap, quad merge, parity merge, branchless parity merge, monobound binary search, bridge rotation, and trinity rotation.

The ping-pong merge had been independently implemented in wikisort prior to quadsort, and likely by others as well.

Special kudos to Musiccombo and Co for getting me interested in rotations and branchless logic.


In the visualization below nine tests are performed on 256 elements.

  1. Random order
  2. Ascending order
  3. Ascending Saw
  4. Generic random order
  5. Descending order
  6. Descending Saw
  7. Random tail
  8. Random half
  9. Ascending tiles.

The upper half shows the swap memory and the bottom half shows the main memory. Colors are used to differentiate various operations. Quad swaps are in cyan, reversals in magenta, skips in green, parity merges in orange, bridge rotations in yellow, and trinity rotations are in violet.

quadsort benchmark

There's also a YouTube video of a java port of quadsort in ArrayV on a wide variety of data distributions.

Benchmark: quadsort vs std::stable_sort vs timsort

The following benchmark was on WSL 2 gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) using the wolfsort benchmark. The source code was compiled using g++ -O3 -w -fpermissive bench.c. Stablesort is g++'s std:stablesort function. Each test was ran 100 times on 100,000 elements. A table with the best and average time in seconds can be uncollapsed below the bar graph.


data table
Name Items Type Best Average Reps Samples Distribution
stablesort 100000 32 0.006050 0.006073 1 100 random order
quadsort 100000 32 0.002677 0.002690 1 100 random order
timsort 100000 32 0.007572 0.007591 1 100 random order
stablesort 100000 32 0.003881 0.003904 1 100 random % 100
quadsort 100000 32 0.002324 0.002337 1 100 random % 100
timsort 100000 32 0.005563 0.005590 1 100 random % 100
stablesort 100000 32 0.000652 0.000673 1 100 ascending
quadsort 100000 32 0.000071 0.000071 1 100 ascending
timsort 100000 32 0.000070 0.000070 1 100 ascending
stablesort 100000 32 0.001346 0.001411 1 100 ascending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.000777 0.000783 1 100 ascending saw
timsort 100000 32 0.000866 0.000872 1 100 ascending saw
stablesort 100000 32 0.000798 0.000817 1 100 pipe organ
quadsort 100000 32 0.000336 0.000339 1 100 pipe organ
timsort 100000 32 0.000191 0.000192 1 100 pipe organ
stablesort 100000 32 0.000893 0.000905 1 100 descending
quadsort 100000 32 0.000056 0.000057 1 100 descending
timsort 100000 32 0.000101 0.000101 1 100 descending
stablesort 100000 32 0.001346 0.001371 1 100 descending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.000777 0.000792 1 100 descending saw
timsort 100000 32 0.000860 0.000865 1 100 descending saw
stablesort 100000 32 0.002018 0.002073 1 100 random tail
quadsort 100000 32 0.000892 0.000899 1 100 random tail
timsort 100000 32 0.002013 0.002027 1 100 random tail
stablesort 100000 32 0.003524 0.003572 1 100 random half
quadsort 100000 32 0.001588 0.001596 1 100 random half
timsort 100000 32 0.004023 0.004037 1 100 random half
stablesort 100000 32 0.000973 0.001010 1 100 ascending tiles
quadsort 100000 32 0.000859 0.000866 1 100 ascending tiles
timsort 100000 32 0.000941 0.001028 1 100 ascending tiles

The following benchmark was on WSL 2 gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) using the wolfsort benchmark. The source code was compiled using g++ -O3 -w -fpermissive bench.c. It measures the performance on random data with array sizes ranging from 8 to 524288. The benchmark is weighted, meaning the number of repetitions halves each time the number of items doubles. A table with the best and average time in seconds can be uncollapsed below the bar graph.


data table
Name Items Type Best Average Reps Samples Distribution
stablesort 8 32 0.006182 0.006221 65536 100 random 8
quadsort 8 32 0.001628 0.001644 65536 100 random 8
timsort 8 32 0.006378 0.006680 65536 100 random 8
stablesort 32 32 0.009514 0.009653 16384 100 random 32
quadsort 32 32 0.003978 0.004041 16384 100 random 32
timsort 32 32 0.013349 0.013524 16384 100 random 32
stablesort 128 32 0.012961 0.013043 4096 100 random 128
quadsort 128 32 0.005179 0.005270 4096 100 random 128
timsort 128 32 0.019949 0.020191 4096 100 random 128
stablesort 512 32 0.016774 0.016886 1024 100 random 512
quadsort 512 32 0.006800 0.006895 1024 100 random 512
timsort 512 32 0.024646 0.024794 1024 100 random 512
stablesort 2048 32 0.020439 0.020530 256 100 random 2048
quadsort 2048 32 0.008351 0.008394 256 100 random 2048
timsort 2048 32 0.028911 0.029043 256 100 random 2048
stablesort 8192 32 0.024204 0.024298 64 100 random 8192
quadsort 8192 32 0.009967 0.010036 64 100 random 8192
timsort 8192 32 0.033020 0.033134 64 100 random 8192
stablesort 32768 32 0.028113 0.028206 16 100 random 32768
quadsort 32768 32 0.011645 0.011692 16 100 random 32768
timsort 32768 32 0.037227 0.037328 16 100 random 32768
stablesort 131072 32 0.032113 0.032197 4 100 random 131072
quadsort 131072 32 0.013344 0.013388 4 100 random 131072
timsort 131072 32 0.041431 0.041528 4 100 random 131072
stablesort 524288 32 0.036110 0.036244 1 100 random 524288
quadsort 524288 32 0.015046 0.015115 1 100 random 524288
timsort 524288 32 0.045705 0.045935 1 100 random 524288

Benchmark: quadsort vs qsort (mergesort)

The following benchmark was on WSL 2 gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04). The source code was compiled using gcc -O3 bench.c. Each test was ran 10 times. It's generated by running the benchmark using 100000 100 1 as the argument. In the benchmark quadsort is compared against glibc qsort() using the same general purpose interface and without any known unfair advantage, like inlining. A table with the best and average time in seconds can be uncollapsed below the bar graph.


data table
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
qsort 100000 64 0.016627 0.016772 1536381 100 random string
quadsort 100000 64 0.010863 0.011007 1644811 100 random string
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
qsort 100000 128 0.019124 0.019406 1536363 100 random order
quadsort 100000 128 0.010822 0.010880 1644759 100 random order
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
qsort 100000 64 0.009291 0.009415 1536491 100 random order
quadsort 100000 64 0.004251 0.004274 1645227 100 random order
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
qsort 100000 32 0.008499 0.008737 1536634 100 random order
quadsort 100000 32 0.003601 0.003622 1644990 100 random order
qsort 100000 32 0.006451 0.006695 1532324 100 random % 100
quadsort 100000 32 0.003275 0.003310 1584431 100 random % 100
qsort 100000 32 0.002263 0.002440 815024 100 ascending order
quadsort 100000 32 0.000177 0.000179 99999 100 ascending order
qsort 100000 32 0.003034 0.003123 915020 100 ascending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.001102 0.001115 453277 100 ascending saw
qsort 100000 32 0.002450 0.002519 884462 100 pipe organ
quadsort 100000 32 0.000556 0.000561 328066 100 pipe organ
qsort 100000 32 0.002451 0.002620 853904 100 descending order
quadsort 100000 32 0.000145 0.000146 99999 100 descending order
qsort 100000 32 0.003224 0.003402 953892 100 descending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.001093 0.001108 465432 100 descending saw
qsort 100000 32 0.003860 0.004043 1012003 100 random tail
quadsort 100000 32 0.001275 0.001286 570057 100 random tail
qsort 100000 32 0.005576 0.005832 1200707 100 random half
quadsort 100000 32 0.002192 0.002218 976716 100 random half
qsort 100000 32 0.003901 0.004281 1209200 100 ascending tiles
quadsort 100000 32 0.002930 0.003014 1020412 100 ascending tiles
qsort 100000 32 0.004512 0.005459 1553378 100 bit reversal
quadsort 100000 32 0.003265 0.003298 1704981 100 bit reversal

The following benchmark was on WSL 2 gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04). The source code was compiled using gcc -O3 bench.c. Each test was ran 100 times. It's generated by running the benchmark using 1000000 0 0 as the argument. The benchmark is weighted, meaning the number of repetitions halves each time the number of items doubles. A table with the best and average time in seconds can be uncollapsed below the bar graph.


data table
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
qsort 8 32 0.009393 0.010391 17 100 random 8
quadsort 8 32 0.003489 0.003504 21 100 random 8
qsort 32 32 0.014392 0.015333 121 100 random 32
quadsort 32 32 0.006165 0.006362 146 100 random 32
qsort 128 32 0.019507 0.020682 745 100 random 128
quadsort 128 32 0.008249 0.008440 840 100 random 128
qsort 512 32 0.024801 0.025837 3968 100 random 512
quadsort 512 32 0.009946 0.010153 4388 100 random 512
qsort 2048 32 0.029895 0.030677 19962 100 random 2048
quadsort 2048 32 0.011792 0.011903 21641 100 random 2048
qsort 8192 32 0.035080 0.036282 96149 100 random 8192
quadsort 8192 32 0.013840 0.014034 102965 100 random 8192
qsort 32768 32 0.040274 0.041420 450105 100 random 32768
quadsort 32768 32 0.015838 0.016109 477571 100 random 32768
qsort 131072 32 0.045464 0.047044 2062601 100 random 131072
quadsort 131072 32 0.017921 0.018207 2172670 100 random 131072
qsort 524288 32 0.050499 0.051669 9298689 100 random 524288
quadsort 524288 32 0.019855 0.020284 9739167 100 random 524288

Benchmark: quadsort vs pdqsort (pattern defeating quicksort)

The following benchmark was on WSL 2 gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) using the wolfsort benchmark. The source code was compiled using g++ -O3 -w -fpermissive bench.c. Pdqsort is a branchless quicksort/insertionsort hybrid. Each test was ran 100 times on 100,000 elements. Comparisons are fully inlined. A table with the best and average time in seconds can be uncollapsed below the bar graph.


data table
Name Items Type Best Average Compares Samples Distribution
pdqsort 100000 32 0.002686 0.002705 1 100 random order
quadsort 100000 32 0.002680 0.002695 1 100 random order
pdqsort 100000 32 0.000780 0.000788 1 100 random % 100
quadsort 100000 32 0.002325 0.002342 1 100 random % 100
pdqsort 100000 32 0.000099 0.000099 1 100 ascending
quadsort 100000 32 0.000068 0.000069 1 100 ascending
pdqsort 100000 32 0.003373 0.003387 1 100 ascending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.000777 0.000788 1 100 ascending saw
pdqsort 100000 32 0.002834 0.002853 1 100 pipe organ
quadsort 100000 32 0.000337 0.000338 1 100 pipe organ
pdqsort 100000 32 0.000202 0.000206 1 100 descending
quadsort 100000 32 0.000060 0.000060 1 100 descending
pdqsort 100000 32 0.003416 0.003429 1 100 descending saw
quadsort 100000 32 0.000775 0.000782 1 100 descending saw
pdqsort 100000 32 0.002586 0.002603 1 100 random tail
quadsort 100000 32 0.000899 0.000906 1 100 random tail
pdqsort 100000 32 0.002647 0.002664 1 100 random half
quadsort 100000 32 0.001591 0.001601 1 100 random half
pdqsort 100000 32 0.002312 0.002328 1 100 ascending tiles
quadsort 100000 32 0.000892 0.000905 1 100 ascending tiles