FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Data Scientist | Deep Learning | Cybersecurity Focused | Data Quality | Procurement
Code for Palestine, Al-Bireh
Pinned Repositories
Data for Palestine is an organization dedicated to leveraging the power of data and data-driven projects to support the Palestinian people and their aspirations. 🇵🇸
a Mobile Application (KhattTech), with an Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) System that performs Arabic Handwritten Recognition (AHR) and returns the recognized Arabic text in the form of a document that is shareable, downloadable, and renamable.
gaining essential skills for tasks like cardiac MRI segmentation and detecting Alzheimer's-related brain structure changes.
Understanding images as data, training CNNs, and optimizing their performance, gained the skills to apply deep learning techniques with applications
👁️ A Biometric Authentication system using Iris. Enrollment and Authentication Modules. End to End, Iris Segmentation Free using DCNNs, Accuracy of 93.15% 👁️
🔫 The data comes from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The NICS is used by to determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. 🔫
Palestine Map using classic Dijkstra shortest path algorithm for maps. Java | JavaFX
🇵🇸 PalTaqdeer is an AI-Driven Student Success Forecaster. Was developed for Hackathon Google Launchpad, data analysis techniques, Linear regression model, and Flask for the web 🇵🇸
💉🤒 The project was built using maven project utilized WEKA in building the decision tree model and JavaFX in building GUI 💉🤒
I aquired a full scholarship from Google Launchpad. Programming concepts, systems, languages (Python and SQL), and techniques that is data-led, problem-solving and decision making
sondosaabed's Repositories
In this course, I build an understanding of the wide range of assets organizations must protect. Explored many of the most common security controls used to protect valuable assets from risk. Also discovered the variety of ways assets are vulnerable to threats by adopting an attacker mindset.
👁️ A Biometric Authentication system using Iris. Enrollment and Authentication Modules. End to End, Iris Segmentation Free using DCNNs, Accuracy of 93.15% 👁️
About Me!
I have been selected as a recipient of the full scholarship from the FutureSkills4All initiative, a project by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation. Through this program, I am enhancing my skills and knowledge in cybersecurity via an extensive learning journey on Coursera.
Developed Python programming skills for automating security tasks, covering foundational concepts, string and list manipulation, and file parsing algorithms.
This repository contains DEMOs, Case studies as part of the second Palestine Launchpad with Google, Data Analyst Nanodegree. Session Lead by Alaa'
Introduction to generative adversial network
A Tasks Managment System using Laravel. E Micro Learn Summer Internship
This code is generated using Copilot for code on visual Studio Code plugin. This is part of a voluntary work done for BZU Master student research.
I aquired a full scholarship from Google Launchpad. Advanced data wrangling skills to work with messy, complex real-world datasets. Highly customized visualizations using the Matplotlib Python library
My internship with Aqlama course and tasks.
In this course, I understand the incident response lifecycle and practice using tools to detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents.
In this course, I have learned what project management is, its benefits, and challenges encountered by project managers. Also learned how recent trends, such as remote work, Agile, and artificial intelligence, have re-shaped modern project management.
Accepted to enroll in the MENA Tech Skills Boost initiative, Google cloud scholarship.
A Comprehensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) on a loan dataset to uncover key trends, patterns, and relationships among various loan attributes. By visualizing and analyzing the data, we aim to gain insights into loan performance, borrower characteristics, and market dynamics. 🪙🏦
Learned how Neural Networks, Multi-Layer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Networks are used for Image Classification and Segmentation, and trained CNN model on a custom dataset.
Learning to apply sound design and data visualization principles to the data analysis process. Also learning how to use analysis and visualizations to tell a story with data.
Quantum Computing Awareness course learned the superposition, entanglement, and interference concepts
Acquired a full scholarship from Google Palestine Launchpad. It is about the mastery of machine learning techniques such as data transformation and algorithms that can find patterns in data and apply machine learning algorithms to tasks of their own design.
In this course, I learned the importance of version control using Git. I explored tracking, modifying, saving files, undoing changes, and using branches for collaboration. I also learned about repository structure, creating and cloning repositories, and handling conflicting files.
In this course, I have explored computing skills that I will use on-the-job as a cybersecurity analyst. First, I practiced using Linux OS commonly used by cybersecurity professionals. Used the Linux command line through the Bash shell to navigate, manage the file system, authenticate users. Then, I have used SQL to communicate with a database.
Bunch of circuits designed in a Digital Circuits BZU
In this project I apply supervised learning techniques and using analytical mind on data collected for the U.S. The Census to help CharityML (a fictitious charity organization) and identify people most likely to donate to their cause.
Implementing an image classifier model using deep learning with Tensorflow. This is the second project of Intro to machine learning nanodegree
SIEM Tactics, Techiques, and Procedures
Third Project for unsupervised machine learning with tensorflow.