
A concourse resource for helm, with added support for autogeneration of kubeconfig for AWS EKS and AWS STS AssumeRole.

Primary LanguageShell

Helm Resource for Concourse

Deploy to Kubernetes Helm from Concourse.

Forked from gbvanrenswoude/concourse-helm-eks-resource who forked from linkyard/concourse-helm-resource.
Added .aws folder copy to standard Docker build, so it's possible to get rid of sts, I strongly recommend to not publish your container on public registries.


To be able to build this Docker image, a folder .aws in the root context path with proper credential file and config file is required.

How to use

Bellow there is a code snip for how to proper configure your resource_type to download your private image:

  - name: helm
    type: docker-image
      repository: yourprivate repo (myuser/myrepo)
      tag: concourse-helm-eks-resource-1.0.1
      username: ((private-cr-user))
      password: ((private-cr-password))

on resource it's should looks like:

- name: helm-release
  type: helm
    aws_region: "us-east-1"
    aws_eks_cluster_name: your-eks-cluster-name
    use_awscli_eks_auth: "true"

on Jobs you can use like:

- name: apply-rollout
  build_logs_to_retain: 2
  - get: bitbucket-repo-prod
  - put: helm-release
      chart: yourprivateorpublicchartrepo/charts/example
      values: yourprivateorpublicchartrepo/charts/example/values.yaml
      release: example-k8s-helm-chart
      namespace: test
      - key: replicas
        value: 1

Bellow you can see the original README.md

Modified to support autogeneration of kubeconfig for AWS EKS and AWS STS AssumeRole.

Quick fixed.


Add the resource type to your pipeline:

- name: helm
  type: docker-image
    repository: linkyard/concourse-helm-resource

Source Configuration

  • cluster_url: Required. URL to Kubernetes Master API service
  • cluster_ca: Optional. Base64 encoded PEM. Required if cluster_url is https.
  • token: Optional. Bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token_path' or admin_key/admin_cert are required if cluster_url is https.
  • admin_key: Optional. Base64 encoded PEM. Required if cluster_url is https and no token or 'token_path' is provided.
  • admin_cert: Optional. Base64 encoded PEM. Required if cluster_url is https and no token or 'token_path' is provided.
  • release: Optional. Name of the release (not a file, a string). (Default: autogenerated by helm)
  • namespace: Optional. Kubernetes namespace the chart will be installed into. (Default: default)
  • helm_init_server: Optional. Installs helm into the cluster if not already installed. (Default: false)
  • helm_history_max: Optional. Limits the maximum number of revisions. (Default: 0 = no limit)
  • tiller_namespace: Optional. Kubernetes namespace where tiller is running (or will be installed to). (Default: kube-system)
  • tiller_service_account: Optional Name of the service account that tiller will use (only applies if helm_init_server is true).
  • repos: Optional. Array of Helm repositories to initialize, each repository is defined as an object with properties name, url (required) username and password (optional).
  • helm_host: Optional Address of Tiller. Skips helm discovery process. (only applies if helm_init_server is false).
  • tls_enabled: Optional Uses TLS for all interactions with Tiller. (Default: false)
  • helm_ca: Optional Private CA that is used to issue certificates for Tiller clients and servers (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
  • helm_cert: Optional Certificate for Client (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
  • helm_key: Optional Key created for Client when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
  • tiller_cert: Optional Certificate for Tiller (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
  • tiller_key: Optional Key created for Tiller when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
  • proxy_url: Optional Sets http and https proxy_url.
  • no_proxy_config: Optional Sets no proxy

Source Configuration - AWS EKS options

  • use_aws_iam_authenticator: Optional. If true, the aws_iam_authenticator, required for connecting with EKS, is used.
  • assume_aws_role: Optional. When using aws_iam_authenticator. If true, a role will be assumed before using the aws_iam_authenticator to connect to EKS.
  • aws_region: Optional. When using the optional aws_iam_authenticator and optional assume_aws_role, setting the aws_region is required. This defaults to eu-west-1
  • aws_eks_cluster_name: Optional. the AWS EKS cluster name, required when use_aws_iam_authenticator or use_awscli_eks_auth is true.
AWS CLI shortcut
  • use_awscli_eks_auth: Optional Defaults to false. If "true", uses the awscli generate the kube config. You can even leave out cluster_url and cluster_ca then. Required is only the aws_eks_cluster_name


check: Check for new releases

Any new revisions to the release are returned, no matter their current state. The release must be specified in the source for check to work.

in: Not Supported

out: Deploy the helm chart

Deploys a Helm chart onto the Kubernetes cluster. Tiller must be already installed on the cluster.


  • chart: Required. Either the file containing the helm chart to deploy (ends with .tgz) or the name of the chart (e.g. stable/mysql).
  • namespace: Optional. Either a file containing the name of the namespace or the name of the namespace. (Default: taken from source configuration).
  • release: Optional. Either a file containing the name of the release or the name of the release. (Default: taken from source configuration).
  • values: Optional. File containing the values.yaml for the deployment. Supports setting multiple value files using an array.
  • override_values: Optional. Array of values that can override those defined in values.yaml. Each entry in the array is a map containing a key and a value or path. Value is set directly while path reads the contents of the file in that path. A hide: true parameter ensures that the value is not logged and instead replaced with ***HIDDEN***. A type: string parameter makes sure Helm always treats the value as a string (uses the --set-string option to Helm; useful if the value varies and may look like a number, eg. if it's a Git commit hash).
  • token_path: Optional. Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' or admin_key/admin_cert are required if cluster_url is https.
  • version: Optional Chart version to deploy, can be a file or a value. Only applies if chart is not a file.
  • delete: Optional. Deletes the release instead of installing it. Requires the name. (Default: false)
  • test: Optional. Test the release instead of installing it. Requires the release. (Default: false)
  • purge: Optional. Purge the release on delete. (Default: false)
  • replace: Optional. Replace deleted release with same name. (Default: false)
  • force: Optional. Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. (Default: false)
  • devel: Optional. Allow development versions of chart to be installed. This is useful when wanting to install pre-release charts (i.e. 1.0.2-rc1) without having to specify a version. (Default: false)
  • debug: Optional. Dry run the helm install with the debug flag which logs interpolated chart templates. (Default: false)
  • wait_until_ready: Optional. Set to the number of seconds it should wait until all the resources in the chart are ready. (Default: 0 which means don't wait).
  • recreate_pods: Optional. This flag will cause all pods to be recreated when upgrading. (Default: false)
  • show_diff: Optional. Show the diff that is applied if upgrading an existing successful release. Will not be used when devel is set. (Default: false)
  • exit_after_diff: Optional. Show the diff but don't actually install/upgrade. (Default: false)
  • reuse_values: Optional. When upgrading, reuse the last release's values. (Default: false)



Define the resource:

- name: myapp-helm
  type: helm
    cluster_url: https://kube-master.domain.example
    cluster_ca: _base64 encoded CA pem_
    admin_key: _base64 encoded key pem_
    admin_cert: _base64 encoded certificate pem_
      - name: some_repo
        url: https://somerepo.github.io/charts

Add to job:

  # ...
  - put: myapp-helm
      chart: source-repo/chart-0.0.1.tgz
      values: source-repo/values.yaml
      - key: replicas
        value: 2
      - key: version
        path: version/number # Read value from version/number
      - key: secret
        value: ((my-top-secret-value)) # Pulled from a credentials backend like Vault
        hide: true # Hides value in output
      - key: image.tag
        path: version/image_tag # Read value from version/number
        type: string            # Make sure it's interpreted as a string by Helm (not a number)

Example EKS config:

- name: helm
  type: docker-image
    repository: yourrepo/concourse-helm-eks-resource

standard-artifactory-helm-source: &STANDARD-ARTIFACTORY-HELM-SOURCE
    use_awscli_eks_auth: "true"
      - name: {{ artifactory.repository }}
        url: {{ artifactory.url }}/{{ artifactory.repository }}
        username: {{ artifactory.user }}
        password: "{{ artifactory_password }}"

- name: fluentd-chart
  type: helm
    aws_eks_cluster_name: someekscluster
    assume_aws_role: arn:aws:iam::{{someaccount}}:role/somerole
    namespace: kube-system
    release: fluentd

- name: helm-rollout-on-{{somecluster}}
  - get: values
    trigger: true
  - put: fluentd-chart-on-{{account}}
      chart: {{ artifactory.repository }}/fluentd-cloudwatch
      values: values/kubernetes/charts/fluentd/values.yaml
      recreate_pods: true